02 Jul The Benchwarmer Chronicles
After a spirited discussion, and in spite of some recent trouble requiring police attention, Brunswick town councilors have voted by a substantial margin to grant a new liquor license to Benchwarmer’s–one of the town’s longstanding tavern landmarks–on Maine Street.
And the new liquor license will come without a series of stipulations requested by police, who say they answered a larger than average number of calls at Benchwarmer’s earlier this year, although they also now say that much of the trouble may have resulted from just one or two people.
In order to better prepare its staff to handle certain difficulties and people under the influence of excessive amounts of alcohol, all servers and bartenders at Benchwarmer’s have now undergone special server training, which is mandated by law for servers in some states, but not in Maine.
One of those at Benchwarmer’s who took part in the training was Ashley Ambrose, who talked about her experience in the training process on the Tuesday WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz.
If you missed it, you may still hear it here.