The Forgotten yet Newly Remembered Brunswick Dragons who died in the Vietnam War

About This Project

On today’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, Brunswick Town Councilor David Watson, who also serves as commander of Brunswick American Legion Post 20, and Beatrice Elmore, a student researcher at Brunswick High school.

Beatrice is also a member of an ongoing team looking into the involvement of Brunswick High students in the Vietnam War, and recently finding three–Harold Schock, David Crocker, and Robert Berry, who died in the war and whose names have so far not been listed on the Korean-Vietnam War plaque at Brunswick High–a plaque which lists the names of six other Dragons who perished in Vietnam.

But now a fundraising drive is on aimed at finding the money to update that plaque and to refurbish the World War Two plaque–also at the high school.

The full story of a spectacular and emotional project was told by David and Beatrice on today’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz.

If you missed it, you may hear it here, in two parts.