
On the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, Jim Bleikamp hosted an exclusive interview with Jackie--the Brunswick attorney who has now won the Democratic nomination for Cumberland County district attorney, and will almost surely be taking over that job in January. If you missed it on the radio,...

On this week's edition of WCME's Central Maine Healthcare Close-Up, a focus on nursing during National Nurse's Week, with Stephany Jacques, who oversees nursing at Rumford Hospital--a division of Central Maine Healthcare. If you missed it on the radio, you may still catch it here. [audio mp3=""][/audio]...

Steve is a 40-year educational veteran in Maine just named to the top job in the Topsham-based school district this past Thursday evening. His first interview was today on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz. If you missed it, it's right here. [audio mp3=""][/audio] [audio mp3=""][/audio] [audio mp3=""][/audio]...

On this weekend's edition of WCME's Central Maine Healthcare Close-Up, urologist Dr. Christopher Foote talked about the  ways in which the forthcoming Cancer Center will improve his practice. If you missed it on the radio, you may still hear it here. [audio mp3=""][/audio]    ...

Jim Bleikamp here.   I found it a most interesting experience to talk with Brunswick Police Patrol Commander Paul Hansen on today's WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz.   Many don't realize that nearly two years ago, some quick thinking by Paul kept a tense moment (former police commander Mark...

It's a process that can take various forms and gives help to countless people every year--but many people don't know much about it. Occupational therapy is explained on this week's Central Maine Healthcare Close-Up on 99-5 WCME by Emily Perro, an occupational therapist at Bridgton...

On this week's Central Maine Healthcare Close-Up, Elaine Drew, a veteran certified diabetes educator with much that you need to know about a disease that impacts on the lives of so many. [audio mp3=""][/audio]...

It will likely be more than a year before construction begins on expanded recreational facilities near the Recreation Center at Brunswick Landing--including a skatepark--in the first phase of this plan. But many are already talking about it. Including two at Brunswick Town Hall deeply involved in the...

If you've ever felt that a job in health care, may be the thing for you, you want to catch this weekend's WCME Central Maine Healthcare Close-Up. Dr. Monika Bissell runs Maine College of Health Professions, which is expanding. She may have some ideas for you.If you...