
Bowdoinham State Representative Sally Jeane Cluchey on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Sally talked for the most part about her newly introduced bill proposing a study into how Maine can support the banking needs of the cannabis industry, which has been deprived of banking access by virtue of the fact that cannabis is still illegal under federal…

Tedford Housing Executive Director Andrew Lardie on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Andrew began a busy day on The Buzz–previewing a trip he’ll be taking to Augusta this afternoon, where he will testify before a legislative committee in a pitch for a greater state subsidy for Tedford in Brunswick, and for the 40 other homeless shelters around…

The Forgotten yet Newly Remembered Brunswick Dragons who died in the Vietnam War

On today’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, Brunswick Town Councilor David Watson, who also serves as commander of Brunswick American Legion Post 20, and Beatrice Elmore, a student researcher at Brunswick High school. Beatrice is also a member of an ongoing team looking into the involvement…

Cumberland County District Attorney Jackie Sartoris on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Jackie joins us monthly on The Buzz and talked today about two hot-button issues: 1) Superior Court Judge Michaela Murphy’s recent ruling that the state must soon begin to release people from jail if they have waited more than two weeks for a lawyer 2)…

Brunswick State Representative Dan Ankeles After Some Forward Motion After the Foam Spill

After last summer’s spill of toxic firefighting foam at Brunswick Landing, Brunswick State Representative Dan Ankeles has now seen two of his proposals clear a legsilative committee in Augusta–proposals aimed at avoiding any kind of repeat of the spill. The proposals would catalog, collect and…

Maine Coast Fishermen’s Association Executive Director Ben Martens on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Ben Martens, with his fingers on the pulse of Maine’s fishing industry, gave us an update today on a coastal institution in Maine suddenly in jeopardy. The federal government is discontinuing a $4.5 million grant program for Maine Sea Grant, one of the state’s major…

The Mt. Ararat girl basketball CHAMPS on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz!!

On Monday morning, we crammed more people–all of them champions–into our WCME studio at Fort Andross than ever before on the Midcoast Morning Buzz. This in the aftermath of their big win Friday evening over the Hampden Broncos to claim the state basketball championship in…

Major Moving Moments

Jim Bleikamp here. I’m feeling good about the fact that even though many of us have staked out largely firm positions on at least two sides, and maybe more sides, of the difficult debate about transgender participation in girls sports, we are more and more…

Brunswick Basketball Star Lexi Morin and Coach Sam Farrell on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Jim Bleikamp here. Big fun on today’s Buzz spending some time with Lexi in the aftermath of her nomination for Miss Maine Basketball after four standout years of varsity basketball play at Brunswick High School. And Sam Farrell who has coached girls basketball at Brunswick…

NBC News National Security Analyst (and Freeport summer resident) Marc Polymeropoulos on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Jim Bleikamp here. Here is one of those interviews that you probably want to find some time for if you missed it–even if your day is crazy busy–like mine. NBC News national security analyst Marc Polymeropoulos on today’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz talking both about…

Cumberland County District Attorney Jackie Sartoris on The Buzz

Jim Bleikamp here. Jackie visits us once a month on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz and normally it’s all about legal matters, but this morning I asked her to talk a little about her experience with COVID-19, with which she is doing battle for a…

Brunswick State Representative Dan Ankeles on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Dan discussed some of the bills he’s offering in this year’s legislative session, including several that relate to the aftermath of last summer’s spill of toxic foam at Brunswick Landing. And he also explained why he’s currently undecided on Governor Mills’ proposal to raise the…

One of Those Who Invaded the U-S Capitol on January 6 2021–Matt Brackley–on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Matt is a man who is many things–husband, father, successful small business owner, and now a convicted yet pardoned felon in the aftermath of his voyage inside the U-S Capitol on January 6 2021. Jim Bleikamp talked with him at length on today’s WCME Midcoast…

Brunswick School Superintendent Phil Potenziano on how the Trump immigration crackdown might impact the Brunswick Schools

Jim Bleikamp here-Recovering Awkward Adolescent. I thought I had it tough in my pup years–I was big and slow–not particularly athletic, and a very strong talent for often saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. Yes, I did have it tough as do many…

Connor Scott and Lainey Catalino–Co-owners of The Abbey in Downtown Brunswick on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Jim Bleikamp here. Big fun this morning on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz with Connor and Lainey talking about their new and wildly popular eatery on Maine Street in Brunswick. And all of a sudden they are in contention for the “Best New Bar” award…

Brunswick School Superintendent Phil Potenziano on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Jim Bleikamp here. On today’s WCME Midcaost Morning Buzz, some initial comments about departing Brunswick football coach Mark Renna from Brunswick School Superintendent Phil Potenziano turned into an exteended conversation about athletics in the Brunswick schools. You may pick up some information here of which…

Cumberland County District Attorney Jackie Sartoris on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

On today’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, Cumberland County District Attorney Jackie Sartoris says she hopes state legislators, in their newly launched session, will approve a red-flag law, which would make it easier for families and others to get guns out of the hands of those…

On today’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, veteran Brunswick Parks and Recreation Director Tom Farrell, who recently passed the 40-year mark in that job and we began by asking Tom about how is job differs from when he began in 1984. But most of this interview…

Chip Spies, Coordinator of the “Free the Andro” Coalition on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Chip is a longtime Midcoast resident who heads a coalition launching a drive for open water flows and heightened fish passage on the Androscoggin River. If you missed him on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz you may hear him here.

NBC News National Security Analyst Marc Polymeropoulos on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Marc, with a 26-year background in the CIA, and much of that time in the Middle East, talked about the possible motivations for the horror in New Orleans and the continuing world-wide influence of ISIS and its online recruitment efforts. If you missed it on…

Doug and Amy Self–Without Safe and Drinkable Water–on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Doug and Amy Self, who reside on Coombs Road in Brunswick, and can’t drink their well water in the aftermath of the foam spill at Brunswick Landing, told their story on today’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, and equated their current lifestyle to “camping.” In addition…

Tracy Gregoire And Her Plea to the Dollar Stores on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Tracy, who resides in Topsham, is Healthy Children Project Director of Learning Disabilities Association of America She’s also joining with The Campaign for Healthier Solutions (CHS) in urging the nation’s largest dollar stores to implement corporate policies to phase out harmful chemicals in the products…

Cumberland County District Attorney Jackie Sartoris on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Jackie joined this morning on the heels of a major announcement that her office is receiving a 2.5 million dollar federal grant that will allow her office to inventory and track all “rape kits” held currently in Cumberland County, to test all appropriate kits in…

The Little Shop of Horrors–the Lisbon Way

On today’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, I was truly pleased to host Gregg Hauger and Camryn Reuling, two of the stars of the biggest thing in Lisbon this weekend–and the entire Midcoast is invitedto catch the Lisbon High Drama Club’s production of “Little Shop of…

NBC News National Security Analylst Marc Polymeropolous on Prospects for National Intelligence Under Trump

Perhaps the most important interview of last week on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, which was not posted in the midst of much breaking local news. Marc is a 26-year veteran of the CIA. If you missed any part of it, you may hear it…

The Very Persistent Republican Guy Lebida on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

A man with a unique local political legacy. Who is perhaps the most persistent political figure of all on the Midcoast. Guy Lebida is a former Sagadahoc County Republican chair, who has TWICE defeated incumbent Republican state legislators in primary elections–only to lose the subsequent…

Sean Hoessli — the new owner of Brunswick’s Eveningstar Cinema

Sean in the past has been a movie producer and talked about his plans for the theater before Brunswick town councilors.

Cumberland County District Attorney Jackie Sartoris on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

A further sign–and a local sign–of the well-documented continuing gender gap in the presidential election, which saw more men voting for Donald Trump and more women picking Kamala Harris. On today’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, Cumberland County District Attorney Jackie Sartoris, who along with a…

Brunswick State Representative Dan Ankeles on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Dan joins us in the aftermath of his resounding re-election win in which he bested a challenger by a margin of more than 3-1. Dan reflects on the outcome of the presidential election, on the aftermath of the foam spill at Brunswick Landing, and what’s…

Aaron Skolfield on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Aaron Skolfield, the senior patrol sergeant in the Sagadahoc County Sheriff’s Department, who lost a race for the sheriff’s job this week, who says he has been defamed by Governor Mills and the independent commission on the Lewiston mass shootings, and is considering legal action….

The peril of public comment in Brunswick

Jim Bleikamp here. As one who has covered the Brunswick Town Council for 12 years, I will say it again–the council, and in particular, Council Chair Abby King is still learning how to handle public comment. And while I will be the first to say…

Brunswick Council Jennifer Hicks on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Ahead of this evening’s session of the Brunswick Town Council, Fifth District Councilor Jennifer HIcks, who represents the residential population of the Landing, on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz. Talking about the latest in the aftermath of the foam spill at the Landing, and in…

Brunswick Town Councilor Marko Melendy on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Melendy seeks a council seat in Brunswick District 2, recently vacated by Steve Walker. Melendy is already a veteran of town government, having served on several committees including the active Rivers and Coastal Waters Commission which he chairs. The interview is here, in two parts.

Councilor Jamie Ecker on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Jamie is finishing up his first year on the Brunswick Town Council, after being elected to fill the unexpired term of now-State Representative Dan Ankeles. Now Ecker seeks re-election to the council from District 2, opposing Marco Melendy, who joined us last week on the…

Candlelight Vigil For Anna Hart

WCME Exclusive: Just as candles lit the emerging darkness over the town mall in downtown Brunswick, it seems that comforting words had a similar impact on a crowd of as many as 200, many of whom have experienced some dark recent moments of the soul…

Brunswick School Board candidate Shaun Hogan on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Shaun is seeking an at-large seat on the school board on a platform of fiscal responsibility and greater transparency. Shaun is an educator in his own right–a driving instructor and a one-time substitute teacher in the Brunswick schoools–as is confirmed by the photo. If you…

Dr. Alyssa Goodwin on Youth Suicide on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

After the unexpected passing of a Brunswick High School student this week, and new concern about youth suicide, we met the moment on an extended edition of the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, with a full hour with Dr. Goodwin, a Topsham-based pediatrician and a recognized…

Brunswick School Board Candidate Abigail Abbott on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Abigail is a mother of 4, a Bowdoin College graduate and oversees the Community Health Improvement Fund at Mid Coast Hospital. She’s one of two candidates for an at-large seat on the Brunswick School Board. If you missed her on today’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz,…

Denise Shannon on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

One of our favorite periodic visitors to the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz. Denise is a violinist with Midcoast Symphony Orchestra and the symphony’s chief spokeswoman on WCME. This weekend–the kick-off of the 35th symphonic season–in both Lewiston and Topsham. If you missed Denise on The…

Brunswick Council Candidate Kim Anderson on The WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Kim is the first of a large load of local candidates to be heard from over the next two weeks on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz. She’s running for the council seat being given up by Council Chair Abby King in Brunswick’s District 3, and…

Brunswick Police Chief Scott Stewart on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

It is a simple fact of life that the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz is made better once a month by the appearance of Brunswick Police Chief Scott Stewart. We covered quite a bit of subject matter with the chief today, including the Brunswick police involvement…

Cumberland County District Attorney Jackie Sartoris on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

On today’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, Cumberland County District Attorney Jackie Sartoris voices the view that a so-called red flag law in Maine might have made a life-saving difference in Sunday’s triple homocide in Bath, in which a wife and daughter, Lisa and Jennifer Bailey,…

Brunswick School Superintendent Phil Potenziano on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Jim Bleikamp here. I talked with Phil about the formation of a state commission to study the financing of new school infrastructure across Maine, about bringing about greater equity in the funding of public education and about the handling of school bullying. If you missed…

Brunswick State Representative Dan Ankeles In The Aftermath of the Brunswick Landing Foam Spill

On today’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, Brunswick State Representative Dan Ankeles, who represents the residential population of Brunswick Landing, voicing clear disappointment with the Midcoast Regional Redevelopment Auhority Board and its Friday public meeting, where a number of Landing residents voiced concern and alarm about…

Brunswick State Representative Talking Foam Spill Aftermath on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

On today’s Buzz, Dan Ankeles framed the choice that he sees confrontiong the town in the starkest of terms: “Are we truly willing to tolerate–right now–a poison-based economy on the Landing, or are we going to break the cycle and stand up for public health…

Brunswick Town Councilor Jennifer Hicks on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Jim Bleikamp here. Jennifer is the councilor representing the Fifth District in Brunswick, which includes the entire residential population of Brunswick Landing. She has been active in following up on the foam spill at the Landing. If you missed the interview on the radio you…

More on the Plan for More Childcare from Bath Iron Works and Bath YMCA with Annie Colaluca

Annie oversees child care at Bath YMCA and is just as excited as you may be about plans to expand childcare availability on the Midcoast. This effort will include the redevelopment of a property at 6 Farley Road, near Cooks Corner in Brunswick, with 120…

The End of A Legendary Radio Station–Which Featured the Most Heard Voice on WCME!!

Jim Bleikamp here. You may take an avid interest in this post if you love radio–or if you value Radio Midcoast WCME–or both! On Sunday at Midnight, a legendary radio station in New York, which provided news and nothing but news 24/7, came to a…

Tracy Gregoire and Sarah Woodbury talk PFAS on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Tracy and Sarah are both involved in their work lives in a drive to ban PFAS chemicals on a broad scale here in Maine. One week after the foam spill at Brunswick Landing, here they are on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz. If you missed…

Midcoast Maine Community Action CEO Claire Berkowitz on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Midcoast Maine Community Action CEO Claire Berkowitz talks about her oversight of a large number of much-used programs on the Midcoast, such as Head Start and LIHEAP heating assistance. Also joining us by phone from Waldoboro, Russ Anderson, a board member. If you missed it…

Brunswick Attorney Suzanne Johnson on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

So very topical. So very compelling. Brunswick-based attorney Suzanne Johnson, who for years has been sounding the alarm about possible environmental contamination at Brunswick Landing on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz. If you missed it on the radio, you may catch it here.

Brunswick Town Councilors Jamie Ecker and Jennifer Hicks in the Aftermath of the Foam Spill at Brunswick Landing

The two councilors talk about what has gone wrong on Monday when 1600 gallons of firefighting foam concentrate, containing dangerous chemicals, spilled in a hangar at Brunswick Executive Airport. And what needs to happen now. If you missed it, you may hear it here.

Brunswick State Representative Dan Ankeles on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Jim Bleikamp here. A wide-ranging conversation with Dan on major state issues, prospects for the next legislative session in Augusta and the comments of Second District Democratic Congressman Jared Golden about his refusal to make an endorsement in the presidential race. If you missed it…

Brunswick School Superintendent Phil Potenziano talking school buses on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

The superintendent reassures the community about the safety of buses on the road and reacts to a presentation to the school board on Wednesday evening, pointing up excessive rust issues and other problems impacting aging buses.

Cumberland County District Attorney Jackie Sartoris on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Jackie covers a number of subjects, including some thoughts about crime reduction, in the wake of new data showing a nationwide drop in violent crime. If you missed it on the radio, you may hear it here.

NBC News National Security Analyst Marc Polymeropoulos on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Marc comes to NBC and WCME after a 26-year background with the CIA. We talked further about the recently ended imprisonment of Bowdoin College graduate and Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich and the future impact of that imprisonment on the nation’s intelligence and on…

Brunswick School Superintendent Phil Potenziano on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

With a month to go until the start of the new school year, the superintendent talks a number of back-to-school topics, including questions about restrictions on cellphone use among students. You may hear the interview here. Potenziano-Buzz August

Steve Walker’s Parting Remarks to the Brunswick Town Council

Walkar, an 11-year council veteran, is leaving the council because of a change in his personal life that is causing him to move from his home in District 2. Walker, a wildlife biologist, has a very well established reputation as an advocate for the maintenance…

Brunswick Police Chief Scott Stewart on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Jim Bleikamp here. We covered several subjects with the Chief today, including the air show and its impact on the police department, today’s three-vehicle crash on Pleasant Street, and the chief previewed Tuesday’s National Night Out from 4-7 at the Brunswick Recreation Center at the…

NBC News National Security Analyst Marc Polymeropoulos on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

On today’s Buzz, the story behind the story of the release of Wall Street Journal reporter and Bowdoin College graduate Evan Gershkovich and others from Russian prisons. As told by Marc, a man who brings with him a 26-year background in the CIA. If you…

Maine Coast Fishermen’s Association Executive Director Ben Martens on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Ben discussed a variety of issues, including the protection of working waterfronts, the impact of right whale protections and offshore wind development on the fishing industry. If you missed it–not to worry–you can catch it at the link below.

This Sunday: The Block Party in Bowdoinham

Thanks to two veterans of the Bowdoinham Food Pantry, Pantry Director Jennifer Stonebraker and Sally Jeane Cluchey, also Bowdoinham’s state representative, for livening up the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz with details on this Sunday’s third annual Block Party to benefit the food pantry. An exceptional…

Freeport Town Manager Sophie Wilson talking gunfire on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Sophie reacted to increasing concern about noise and safety issues relating to the discharge of guns–mainly in the form of target practice and recreational shooting in rural parts of the town. If you missed it on the radio, you may catch it here. Sophie

Kadie Daye on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Some thoughts on the nature of the medium that we love. Namely RADIO. From one of the rising stars of radio’s next generation. Who is also just getting to know Maine. Kadie Daye, who co-hosts mornings at Buffalo, New York’s WYRK stopped into the WCME…

Cumberland County District Attorney Jackie Sartoris on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

After noting that Maine is the only state in the nation without a public defender system, Cumberland County District Attorney Jackie Sartoris, on today’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, joined other observers in saying that no one wants to take responsibility for Maine’s problem in finding…

Fireworks on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz!

At the start of 4th of July week, Brunswick Police Chief Scott Stewart on The Buzz, noting that fireworks are illegal in Brunswick. Also some thoughts on fireworks safety.

Brunswick School Superintendent Phil Potenziano talks Cell Phones

From WCME – Your 24/7 Midcoast Breaking News Leader While the Brunswick School Board has yet to discuss the matter, School Superintendent Phil Potenziano, on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, says he sees no cell phone “crisis” in the school system. This, as numerous school…

NBC News National Security Analyst Marc Polymeropoulos on the Evan Gershkovich imprisonment on WCME

Marc on the Wednesday WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz–we talked about high heat, the recent fortunes of the Red Sox, but most importantly, the Evan Gershkovich imprisonment, Vladmir Putin, and Russia. If you missed it, not to fret–it’s right here.

Caleb Manuel Hits the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Jim Bleikamp here. A true pleasure among pleasures to host the first interview with Caleb Manuel since his Friday announcement that he’s turning pro after a high-profile amateur golfing career in which Caleb won the Maine Amateur Tournament in three consecutive years. And beginning his…

Cumberland County District Attorney Jackie Sartoris Talks Election Security on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

On this primary election day, some Republican activists are at various polling places seeking petition signatures in a move for a statewide referendum aimed at requiring people to present photo identification to vote. But on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, Cumberland County District Attorney Jackie…

Brunswick Police Chief Scott Stewart on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

The chief discusses his recent participation in an FBI conference in Vermont and the Brunswick Police Department’s current search for an animal control officer. And more. And even though the chief was armed, he was kind enough to take no retaliatory action when I told…

Jean Guzzetti on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Jean is a former legislative policy analyst in Augusta, who is competing with former Topsham state representative Denise Tepler for the Democratic nomination for the Sagadahoc state senate seat in next Tuesday’s primary election. We covered a number of subjects, and Jean voiced the view…

Former Topsham State Representative Denise Tepler on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

On today’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz the first of two interviews with the candidates in a key primary race in next Tuesday’s election. The battle for the Democratic nomination for the District 24 Senate seat, which covers all of Sagadahoc County and Dresden in Lincoln…

Brunswick School Superintendent on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Students in 18 school districts, including Brunswick and Bath-based RSU-1, may have less mental health support next year now that the nonprofit behavioral health organization Sweetser, providing long-term therapy, says it can’t afford to keep current staffing levels. Sweetser had 80-school based clinicians working with…

NBC News National Security Analyst Marc Polymeropoulos on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Marc is a 26-year-veteran of the CIA, a die-hard Red Sox fan and a reguar guest on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz–often following the ongoing saga of Evan Gershkovich, the Wall Street Journal reporter and Bowdoin College graduate, who remains imprisoned in Moscow on spying…

Departing Topsham State Representative Becky Jauch on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Becky resigned just a few days ago, toward the close of her first term as a Democratic state representative. She’s headed to Maryland to work for the federal government’s National Marine Fisheries Service–a job that might bring her back to Maine at some point. On…

Brunswick School Superintendent Phil Potenziano on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

On the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, Brunswick School Superintendent Phil Potenziano, while not saying he is opposed, is nonetheless raising questions about a new proposal to shrink the size of the tax impact in the town’s budget plan for the new fiscal year. Potenziano says…

The Victory Vertical Project on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

On today’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, we threw a spotlight on the Victory Vertical Project–a traveling series of piano concerts featuring the music heard by American combat troops during World War 2 on small, specially made Steinway pianos that were parachuted into war zones to…

Habitat for Humanity Seven Rivers on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

On today’s Buzz, Adam Lacher, executive director of the Habitat branch here on the Midcoast, talks about his mission and the mission of the organization concerned about affordable housing since the day of its founding in 1976. Adam also talks here about how YOU can…

SAD-75 School Superintendent Heidi O’Leary on the forthcoming “Say Something” Program

However long Dr. Heidi O’Leary, the newly minted PHD, winds up serving as SAD-75 superintendent, it is unlikely that she will ever address an issue as fundamentally important as school safety in an era of school gunfire. With that top of mind, Heidi is getting…

A Chronicle of Rock Concerts in Southern Maine

Ford Reiche is a Freeport resident, a graduate of Falmouth High School, University of Maine and University of Maine Law School, who has written previously about his restoration of Halfway Rock Light Station near Portland, and was then possessed by an urge to document the…

Brunswick State Representative Dan Ankeles on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

With frustration, and in some cases downright anger mounting across Maine, after the legislature’s failure to take a vote on the proposed “red flag law”, Brunswick State Representative Dan Ankeles joins the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, to talk about that and more. A red flag…

State Representative Dan Ankeles Talks Budgetary Benefits on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz!!

Brunswick Democratic State Representative Dan Ankeles is declining comment on the newly reached agreement in Augusta on several key supplemental budget items, including the restoration of pension tax breaks for retirees and an increase in pay for educational technicians. Noting the fragility of this deal,…

The Brunswick-Topsham Land Trust’s Steve Walker on a Major Land Purchase–And More

Steve is a long-serving town councilor who recently became the land trust’s executive director. 25 acres at 262 Pleasant Hill Road are being purchased for $2 million. The property includes an historic barn and 25 acres on land once known as Dionne Farm. Steve also…

Cumberland County District Attorney Jackie Sartoris on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Jackie’s monthly stop at the Buzz, which this month could be hardly more varied. It began with Jackie’s solar eclipse story, which parallels the experience of many a Mainer on Monday, and then we asked Jackie about some continuing criticism of her recently announced policy…

Everthing You Need To Know Ahead of the Solar Eclipse

From Rob Burgess, President, Southern Maine Astronomers, on today’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz. If you missed it on the radio you may hear it here.

Ella Tabasky on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Sometimes we get attention not because we are already famous or because of our position in this life, but simply for saying a few words that happen to resonate with a significant number of people at a particular moment in time. And so it goes…

A Somber Anniversary Noted on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

It was a year ago today–March 29,2024–that Evan Gershkovich a Bowdoin College grad from the Class of 2014 was simply doing his job as a Moscow reporter for the Wall Street Journal when he suddenly found himself “detained” by Russian authorities. A year later, he…

Maine Attorney General Aaron Frey on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

The attorney general announces the filing of a civil rights complaint in Superior Court in Portland against 49-year-old William Deary and his 18-year-old son Hayden, both of Harpswell. The complaint alleges that in early January, the Dearys vandalized road signs and roadways in Harpswell, Brunswick,…

A Combined Show: At Meetinghouse Arts in Freeport–the Meetinghouse artists and the Spindleworks artists

On today’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz we were joined by Suzanne Watson, executive director at Meetinghouse Arts on Main Street in Freeport and by Brian Braley, senior manager at Spindleworks, the art center in Brunswick populated by developmentally disabled artists–these two organizations are combining for…

Phantom Thursday on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Yes–we have declared this day to be Phantom Thursday in tribute to this evening’s debut of the Brunsnwick High School Players’ production of Phantom of the Opera–the musical with everything–beauty, obsession, a bit of terror, and music to take your breath away. On today’s WCME…

Cumberland County District Attorney Jackie Sartoris On What She’s NOT Doing–at least temporarily

Jackie appeared on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz and says because of an overwhelming caseload, she is temporarily no longer pursuing criminal prosecutions of people charged with driving without a license, and related charges. She also denies that this has anything at all to do…

The Gold Ball Winners on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

On the heels of their runaway win on Saturday over the Cony Rams, the four captains of the newly crowned Class A State Champion Brunswick Dragons show up with their gold ball at WCME and the Midcoast Morning Buzz. From left to right, Abby St….

The Sequin Island Light Station on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Tip Koehler and Chris Hall from Friends of Sequin Island–they talk here about the continuing value of lighthouses on the Maine coast, and in particular about a new capital campaign aimed at restoring and enhancing the light station at Sequin Island—2.5 miles off the mouth…

Brunswick School Superintendent Phil Potenziano on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

On today’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, we covered a number of subjects with Brunswick School Superintendent Phil Potenziano ahead of tonight’s public hearing at Brunswick Toiwn Hall on his budget proposal for the school year ahead. The superintendent called out hate speech on the part…

NBC News National Security Analyst Marc Polymeropoulos on Evan Gershkovich and All Things Russian

Marc is retired after 26 years with the CIA and began by talking about the latest move by the Russians to continue to imprison Gershokovich, a Wall Street Journal Reporter and 2014  graduate of Bowdoin College. From there, we moved on to a broader-based discussion…

Mark Waltz–Topsham’s New Town Manager on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Mark joined us on President’s Day–just a few days after being named to the job by the Topsham Select Board. Highlights– 1) Mark indicated that there is more commonality than we might assume between his profile jobs as a longtime Brunswick police commander and town…

Hand Therapy on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

It’s a unique new business, service and educational effort based in downtown Brunswick. Hand Therapy–help for ailing hands, wrists, arms and more. A discussion on the Buzz featuring hand therapist Mary Woodbury and Mark Thrall, a student completing field work with help from Mary. If…

Love To Build: An Art Auction

Not only is today Valentine’s Day, but it’s also opening day for the 3rd annual Love to Build Art Auction until February 24. One hundred percent of the proceeds will be spent on local affordable housing solutions in southern Midcoast. The auction features original works…

Brunswick Police Chief Scott Stewart Defends His Request For A New Armored Vehicle

On the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, the chief defends his controversial plan to purchase the Bearcat, an armored vehicle that would serve as a replacement for another vehicle now deemed to be outmoded. Chief Stewart notes that at any given moment, in the midst of…

Brunswick School Superintendent Phil Potenzino outlines his budget plan

Potenziano, on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, elaborates on the plan, reported exclusively this past Saturday. It’s a plan calling for the smallest increase in both the school budget and the town’s mil rate in recent years–a 3.1 percent appropriations increase and an increase in…

State Senate candidate Jean Guzzetti on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Jean is one of two Democratic women seeking to replace current Sagadahoc County Senator Eloise Vitelli in this November’s election. Jean is a former legislative policy analyst, a former Sagadahoc County Register of Probate, a mom, and a part-time law student. If you missed here…

How Climate Change Figures into Flooding–Jeremy Bell on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Jeremy Bell started his working life studying swamps, marshes and bogs–work that led him to an understanding of how change in the climate plays a role in coastal and river flooding–like the kind that brought so much recent damage to parts of the Midcoast. Jeremy,…

Cara Stadler on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Honors today for two women who figure prominently into Brunswick’s growing reputation as a fine food destination. Cara Stadler, (pictured), the chef at Brunswick’s Tao Yuan restaurant and Zaoze Cafe, and Baobao Dumpling House in Portland, has been with us before on The Buzz, but…

Dan Devereaux, Storm Damage and Climate Change on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Wednesday evening at 6–an event of major atmospheric note at Curtis Library in Brunswick. The Town of Brunswick joins with the library to present the first in a series of in-person monthly lectures to be known as “Sustainable Brunswick”–with numerous speakers from numerous organizations addressing…

State Representative Art Bell on his Popular Vote Bill

America’s electoral college system is unique in the developed world, in allowing presidential candidates to win the office without also winning the popular vote, and the system has become more controversial since January 6, 2021 when Donald Trump and his supporters attempted to use the…

Cumberland County District Attorney Jackie Sartoris on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Jackie Sartoris, in a discussion of election law, becomes the latest public official in Maine and elsewhere to say that democracy is on the ballot this year.

Tom Saviello – The man who challenged Trump in Maine – on the WCME Midcoast Mornig Buzz

Here’s today’s nearly one-hour interview on an expanded edition of the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, with former Republican State Senator Tom Saviello of Wilton, who twice supported the presidential candidacy of Donald Trump, but was horrified by Trump’s behavior on January 6, 2021, and brought…

Brunswick Police Chief Scott Stewart on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

While Brunswick has not seen threats to public officials on the scale of those that have been lodged in recent days against Secretary of State Shenna Bellows, the chief told us on today’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz that there have indeed been threats against town…

Marine Man Geoff Smith on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Geoff Smith is the marine program director of The Nature Conservancy-Maine,  based at Fort Andross in Brunswick. A man working on various marine projects in the Gulf of Maine. And joining us today on “Outdoor Friday” on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz. If you missed…

Barbara Krause on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Barbara grew up in Freeport, starred on the 1976 state champion Freeport girls basketball team. She also scored a thousand points in her Freeport career, but was never recognized for that achievement in the early days of girls sports in Maine. Barbara went on to…

Brunswick Police Chief Scott Stewart on the Midcoast Morning Buzz

The chief gave us some insights as to how his people go about handling the challenging and dangerous matter of high-speed chases of those who don’t respond to police traffic stop orders. If you missed it, you may hear it here.

Denise Tepler Seeks a Maine Senate Seat on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Denise is a former four-term state representative who seeks a return to Augusta and announced her candidacy on the Friday WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz. If you missed the interview, you may hear it here.

Six Rivers Youth Sports on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

It’s a most exciting project in Topsham with regional appeal, already underway, and growing rapidly. And on today’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, we received an update from Bill Patterson and Becky Wilkoff of Six Rivers Youth Sports–the non-profit seeking to build and operate a multi-purpose…

“A Christmas Carol”–Coming to Lisbon

On the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz–the father and son act from Lisbon–Gary and Greg Hauger talking about the Lisbon High School Drama Club’s upcoming production of “A Christmas Carol”–with Greg in the title role of Ebeneezer Scrooge. If you missed it you may hear it…

Brunswick School Superintendent Phil Potenziano on The Buzz

The superintendent gives an endorsement to the move in Bath-based RSU1 to consider later start times for high school students and also talks about two programs he has implemented in Brunswick to enhance student safety in turbulent times.

Previewing “The Great Gatsby”

The classic novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald will come to life on the stage of Crooker Theater at Brunswick High School this evening. And on today’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, three of the prime players–all Brunswick High seniors who plan to remain on stage after…

Brunswick Police Chief Scott Stewart Talks About the Use of the Yellow Flag Law in Brunswick

The chief follows up on a disclosure from the Maine Attorney General’s Office that the state’s yellow flag law has been invoked 14 times since the Lewiston shootings, to take away someone’s access to guns, and in three of those cases, the name of Robert…

Cumberland County District Attorney Jackie Sartoris talks about gun law reform on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Jackie’s first monthly appearance on The Buzz since the Lewiston shootings. You may hear it here.

Connor Horton on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Jim Bleikamp here. It’s always a riveting experience to talk to someone who has spent moments of their life in armed combat, because that is so very far removed from my own reality.  And it’s an experience that becomes even more riveting when that person…

Chris Teel on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Chris Teel–he’s at times an outspoken conservative in a town with progressive voting trends in recent years. He is one of three candidates seeking the at-large town council seat being given up at the end of the year by longtime councilor Kathy Wilson. We talked…

NBC News Justice Correspondent Ryan Reilly Talks January 6 on WCME

Ryan is the author of “Sedition Hunters: How January 6 Broke the Justice System”–the first definitive account of the massive open-source effort to bring January 6 perpetrators to justice. In the course of this interview, Ryan discussed the case of Matt Brackley, the one-time Sagadahoc…

Brunswick Police Chief Scott Stewart on searching for a mass killer

Brunswick’s chief was a part of the 48-hour search for Robert Card, the mass shooter in Maine, eventually found dead in Lisbon. The chief told his searching story on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz.

Mike Timberlake does the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Mike is a parent just finishing his first term on the Topsham-based SAD-75 School Board, who says he’s ok on the label “progressive” being applied to him. As he seeks re-election, Mike talked about a range of school issues on today’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz….

New Freeport Town Manager Sophia Wilson on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

She’s just been selected by the Freeport Town Council, and after two decades of town management in Maine–the last ten years in Orono–she’s headed our way. You may hear the entire interview here.

Annalyse Sarvinas on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Annalyse Sarvinas is one of five candidates for four Topsham seats on the SAD-75 School Board, which will be filled in the November election. Annalyse has made parental involvement a major theme of her campaign. This morning she became the latest of numerous Midcoast candidates…

Cross-endorsements, in which one candidate endorses another in multi-candidate elections, have been a relative rarity on the Midcoast in recent years, but today, an exception to the rule. In Topsham, where five candidates are competing for a total of four seats on the SAD-75 School…

Ann Callahan –Topsham Select Board Candidate–on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Ann is one of three candidates for two seats on the board this fall. If you missed the interview on the radio, you may hear it here.

River Koriaty on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

River is a Bowdoin College graduate, a teacher in Lewiston, and a transgender resident of Topsham seeking  a seat in November on the SAD-75 School Board. Today River became the first of those candidates to appear on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz. If you missed…

Previewing a Rally Against Hate

After the recent discovery of a Nazi swastika inside a slide at the Morse Street School playground in Freeport, Town Council Vice-Chair John Egan and thought about it and decided that a quick response was in order. Thus, this afternoon’s forum and rally against hate…

Seth Berry’s Pro-Consumer Power message on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Seth Berry, who launched the movement for the establishment of a consumer-owned utility in Maine sounds off one day after Governor Mills urged all Mainers to oppose the November referendum, which would allow the plan to go forward. You can hear the full interview here.

School Violence Issues on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Jessica Damon and Stephanie Luce are concerned mothers in the Topsham-based SAD-75 School District who aroused much community concern with their remarks to the School Board. If you missed them on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, you may hear the interview here.

The Buzz With A British Accent

Jim Bleikamp here.  A couple of years ago I began to hear from a gentleman in Brighton UK–he and his family listen to the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz on a regular basis. This week David and his family have been visiting in Maine and we…

Brunswick Police Chief Scott Stewart on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

The chief covered a number of topics in his monthly visit to The Buzz, and notably said that he endorses Cumberland County District Attorney Jackie Sartoris’ call for a state law mandating safekeeping of firearms in homes, but questions whether such a bill could pass…

Cumberland County District Attorney Jackie Sartoris on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Jim Bleikamp here. The major and the mundane. My chat with Jackie began with her breaking story relating to a raccoon invasion of her Brunswick household–and later a plea for a law in Maine requiring the safe storage of firearms. If you missed it you…

An Honor for Brunswick High

Brunswick School Superintendent Phil Potenziano on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz reflecting on the designation of Brunswick High School as the seventh-best high school in Maine, in the new rankings of the nation’s high schools from U-S News and World Report Magazine. You can hear…

NBC News National Security Analyst Marc Polymeropoulos On the Incarceration of Evan Gershkovich

Marc, who is a 26-year veteran of the CIA talks a little about his beloved Boston Red Sox who he has been watching battle the Nationals in D.C.. and talks quite a bit about the incarceration of Evan Gershkovich, the 2014 Bowdoin College graduate and…

Brunswick At-Large Councilor Dan Ankeles on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Dan makes news by telling us that he is leaving the council a year before the expirationof his current term, and will devote himself entirely to his position as a Brunswick state representative in Augusta. He also further comments on the assessment and tax controversy…

Former Brunswick Town Council Chair Sarah Brayman on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

From WCME News: The Brunswick Town Council is calling a special meeting next Thursday evening at 6:30 to take action in response to a highly critical public reaction to its recent property valuation “adjustment”, which resulted in a large number of residential assessment increases and…

Brunswick School Superintendent Phil Potenziano on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Contrary to some expectations, the arrival of 60 more asylum-seeking families in Brunswick this summer and fall may not have substantial impact on the school system. On the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, School Superintendent Phil Potenziano also indicated that he’s still wating for some of…

Kathy Wilson Leaves the Brunswick Town Council

She had always lived here–in Brunswick–since the day of her birth. But she had never been politically active. So in some ways, it seemed that Kathy came out of nowhere in 2014 when she won an at-large seat on the Brunswick town council by an…

Amber Ambrose-Bartender Extraordinaire

Jim Bleikamp here. Truly a pleasure to chat about the often fun but sometimes harrowing experience of bartending with a veteran of this craft, Amber Ambrose, who has been behind the bar at several Midcoast establishments in recent years, and currently serves up the suds…

Jeremy Cluchey on the Merrymeeting Trail

It was both fun and quite educational on today’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, as we heard from Jeremy Cluchy, public affairs director of the Nature Conservancy in Brunswick, on the Maine Department of Transportation’s proposal for the 26-mile Merrymeeting Trail, connecting Topsham, Bowdoinham, Richmond, and…

Ryan Holmes Wants to be a Selectman in Topsham

Ryan Holmes is a medical marijuana distributor, a former physical education teacher at Mt. Ararat High School and a former athletic director at Leavitt High School, who announced his candidacy on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz. A post-Buzz interview with Ryan is here.  

Cumberland County District Attorney Jackie Sartoris on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Jackie, who is also a former Brunswick town councilor, talks about the recent difficulties in dealing with neo-Nazi demonstrations in Portland.

Brunswick School Superintendent Phil Potenziano Looks Back on A Controversial Evening

The superintendent on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz almost a month after the meeting in which the School Board hired a new athletic director and decided not to select a particularly popular local candidate–Brunswick High School math teacher and veteran lacrosse coach Don Glover. You…

John Kushiner on Artificial Intelligence

Jim Bleikamp here. This is one subject that does not come easily to me but I believe I understand a little more and a little better after talking with Harpswell-based software developer and software engineer John Kushiner on today’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz. If you…

A New Voyage on the Maine Coast

You may know Matt Nixon as a Topsham selectman, as a family man, as a dad. But he’s also a man of imagination. An aquaculture pioneer. The designer of the first 3-D-printed, closed-loop oyster-farming tank made from sustainable materials. On today’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz,…

Veteran Brunswick School Board Member Bill Thompson on Hiring An Athletic Director

This past Wednesday, the Brunswick School Board hired Mt. Ararat Middle School Assistant Principal Kaili Phillips, a former Division 1 volleyball player at the University of Maine and veteran coach, to serve as athletic director. This move was made in front of a crowd of…

Potenziano on the Brunswick School Budget

With the fate of this year’s Brunswick school budget proposal still up in the air, Superintendent Phil Potenziano on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, and saying that any further cutting of the school budget, as is being suggested by four councilors, would result in cuts…

Sarah Clarke and Xander Berkley in Brunswick

Sarah is best know for co-starring in the hit TV show “24”, while her other half Xander is well-known for his work in action films. In the last several years they have taken up residence in Falmouth, and came to Brunswick to help the Gelato…

Reflections on the Imprisonment of Evan Gershkovich

On today’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, Jim Bleikamp talked with NBC National Security Analyst Marc Polymeropoulos, a retired 26-year veteran of the CIA, about the imprisonment of Gershkovich–the Wall Street Journal Moscow reporter and a Bowdoin College graduate. Marc began by declaring that spying allegations…

Kim Pacelli on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Kim Pacelli is an attorney and partner in the risk management consulting firm TNG, who also holds a masters degree in education. She’s also the newest member of the perpetually electric SAD-75 School Board, based in Topsham, which has seen six superintendents in the last…

Jennifer Hicks Seeks a Brunswick council seat

Jennifer Hicks, who serves as communications director for an environmentally-oriented non-profit, is the only candidate so far in the running for a vacant town council seat in Brunswick’s 5th district. She’s running as a designated write-in candidate and she was a guest on today’s WCME…

The Fullerton Brothers in memory of their late Bath-based Dad

Monday February 13–marks the release date of the 21st century version of a song written decades ago by a life-long resident of Bath. On the Monday WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz–we heard and told the latest chapter in the evolution of the song “Wait Til Tomorrow”–written…

Maine’s new Basketball Hall of Famer—Todd Hanson

The man who coached boys basketball for 25 years at Brunswick High School and won a state title in 2002 is now in the Hall of Fame. Todd joined the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz to talk about it.

Brunswick Police Chief Scott Stewart on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Brunswick Police Chief Scott Stewart, on today’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, says newly proposed increased fine levels for driving while talking on cellphones in Maine, may be excessive. A legislative proposal calls for hiking the fine for a first offense from $85 to $500, while…

Brunswick School Superintendent Phil Potenziano on Race in the Schools

After last week’s school board discussion in Topsham about racial tension among some students in the SAD-75 district, Brunswick School Superintendent Phil Potenziano was asked on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz about the racial climate in the Brunswick schools. The superintendent also talked about the…

SAD-75 Superintendent Steve Connolly on Racism and Racial Concerns

On the morning after a discussion at a meeting of the SAD-75 School Board, where a consensus emerged that racism is a problem in need of attention at Mt. Ararat High School and at other schools in the system, Superintendent Steve Connlly discussed the situation…

Dr. Shah on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Maine Center for Disease Control Director Dr. Nirav Shah, who came to Maine four years ago, tells us on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz that even though he is leaving for a high-level position at Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta and Washington, he will…

Brunswick Town Councilor and soon-to-be State Representative Dan Ankeles of Brunswick on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

In just three weeks, Dan holds on to one four-year-old life as a town councilor and begins a new one as a state representative. On the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz he talked about the challenges and opportunities in doing that, and also touched on the…

Goodnight Saigon

On this Veteran’s Day, another chance to hear Billy’s musical epiphany on the Vietnam War and the 58,000 Americans who took their last breath there. As well as countless Vietnamese.  

Nat Shed’s Write-In Campaign for the Brunswick Town Council

With no declared candidates in the race for the downtown council seat being given up by Kate Foye, Nat Shed, a retired consultant to non-profit agencies, is aggressively seeking the seat as a write-in candidate. He talked with Jim Bleikamp on the Monday WCME Midcoast…

The Dike Newell Rebound

On today’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, Dike Newell Principal Jennifer McKay talks about the very busy summer just now ending, in which she and others in the RSU 1 School District, have managed to fashion a new and temporary Dike Newell School after the arson…

Three Needy Pups

On today’s WCME Creature Feature, brought to you by Darling’s Brunswick Ford on Bath Road, Midcoast Humane’s Kate Griffith talked about the ways in which Midcoast Humane has committed to helping Bandit-O, Dieg-O, and Jackie-O, dogs who were brought to the Sumter Humane Society in…

Could You Be A Part of the Brunswick Police?

The Brunswick Police Department is stepping up its drive to fill vacancies, and is looking for patrol officers and for a communications officer. We had one of each on today’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz–to hear more about what they do. Communications Officer Rebecca Blier Carter…

SAD-75 School Superintendent Steve Connolly on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

The new superintendent talked with us on the morning after he was authorized by the School Board to decide on a plan for dealing with school security issues on election days. And more. If you missed it on the radio, you may still hear it…

Anita Ruff on Some Big Money for Oasis Free Clinics

Oasis is well known on the Midcoast for providing medical and dental care for people without insurance. But the agency has struggled to keep up with demand. Now it looks like it’s headed for an $833,000 federal grant. Oasis Executive Director Anita Ruff talked with…

Sally Cluchey Makes Her Case

Sally Cluchey is a veteran community activist in Bowdoinham who serves as Chair of the Board of the Bowdoinham Food Pantry, and will be the Democratic candidate for the Maine House seat in District 52 covering Bowdoinham, Richmond and part of Bowdoin. She seeks to…

Veteran Suicides–17 A Day On Average Across Our Nation

Debra Rumery is the new president of the American Legion Auxiliary in Maine and has embarked on a project to lessen this number. If you missed her on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, you may still hear her at this link. Also here is some…

The Difficulty of Preventing Mass Shootings

It’s something Brunswick Police Chief Scott Stewart, a recent graduate of the FBI Academy, certainly gives thought to. The Chief talked about preventing the once unthinkable–which is becoming ever more thinkable and real across this nation, on today’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz. If you missed…

Jackie Sartoris after the disappearance of Roe Vs. Wade

The woman who will likely serve as Cumberland County’s next district attorney starting in January comments on issues that may confront her in the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s move to decimate the Roe vs. Wade decision. From the Monday WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz.

Scott Stewart’s Excellent Adventure

The Brunswick Police Chief on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz looking back on the last ten weeks of his life at the FBI National Academy in Quantico, Virginia–of which he is now a graduate. If you missed it on the radio, you can hear it…

The Victorious Jackie Sartoris

On the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, Jim Bleikamp hosted an exclusive interview with Jackie–the Brunswick attorney who has now won the Democratic nomination for Cumberland County district attorney, and will almost surely be taking over that job in January. If you missed it on the…

A Focus on Nursing

On this week’s edition of WCME’s Central Maine Healthcare Close-Up, a focus on nursing during National Nurse’s Week, with Stephany Jacques, who oversees nursing at Rumford Hospital–a division of Central Maine Healthcare. If you missed it on the radio, you may still catch it here.

The New Cancer Center coming to Central Maine Medical Center

On this week’s WCME Central Maine Healthcare Close-Up we talked with Dr. Hector Tarraza, the oncology chief at Central Maine Medical Center, about CMMC’s soon-to-open new Cancer Center, and the various reasons he can’t wait for that opening. If you missed it, you may still…

Steve Connolly–The New Superintendent in SAD-75

Steve is a 40-year educational veteran in Maine just named to the top job in the Topsham-based school district this past Thursday evening. His first interview was today on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz. If you missed it, it’s right here.

Coming Soon: Central Maine Medical Center’s new Cancer Center

On this weekend’s edition of WCME’s Central Maine Healthcare Close-Up, urologist Dr. Christopher Foote talked about the  ways in which the forthcoming Cancer Center will improve his practice. If you missed it on the radio, you may still hear it here.    

Brunswick Police Patrol Commander Paul Hansen

Jim Bleikamp here.   I found it a most interesting experience to talk with Brunswick Police Patrol Commander Paul Hansen on today’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz.   Many don’t realize that nearly two years ago, some quick thinking by Paul kept a tense moment (former…

Occupational Therapy Explained

It’s a process that can take various forms and gives help to countless people every year–but many people don’t know much about it. Occupational therapy is explained on this week’s Central Maine Healthcare Close-Up on 99-5 WCME by Emily Perro, an occupational therapist at Bridgton…

Diabetes–The Silent Killer

On this week’s Central Maine Healthcare Close-Up, Elaine Drew, a veteran certified diabetes educator with much that you need to know about a disease that impacts on the lives of so many.

Enhanced Recreational Opportunities in Brunswick

It will likely be more than a year before construction begins on expanded recreational facilities near the Recreation Center at Brunswick Landing–including a skatepark–in the first phase of this plan. But many are already talking about it. Including two at Brunswick Town Hall deeply involved…

If you’ve ever felt that a job in health care, may be the thing for you, you want to catch this weekend’s WCME Central Maine Healthcare Close-Up. Dr. Monika Bissell runs Maine College of Health Professions, which is expanding. She may have some ideas for…

Coach Brandon Dorsett comes to Brunswick

After a wait lasting for several months, Brunswick High School has a new varsity football head coach. Brandon Dorsett seems to have been born to be involved with football–he comes to Brunswick from Westbrook High School and IMG Academy, a nationally recognized high school football…

The newest school board member in SAD-75

Greta Warren, whose day job is serving as operations manager of Maine Conservation Voters, has been unanimously picked by the Harpswell Board of Selectmen to be the next SAD-75 School Board member. She talked a short time later with WCME’s Jim Bleikamp.

Brunswick Hockey champs on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Jim Bleikamp here. Like so many here on the Midcoast, I have followed the admirable adventures of the Brunswick boys hockey team–especially in their high-performance post season–leading to a state championship. But I didn’t really know what to expect when they came in on the…

In this month of March–National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month–we hear from a specialist in that field on this week’s Central Maine Healthcare Close-Up on 99-5 WCME. Dr. Kanishka Bhattacharya is on the staff of Central Maine Medical Center. If you missed it on the radio…

Sleep Issues and Sleep Disorders

That was the subject on this weekend’s Central Maine Healthcare Close-Up on 99-5 WCME with Dr. Trustin Ennacheril of Central Maine Medical Center’s Sleep Lab. If you missed it, you won’t find it at all tiring to catch it here.

Moving Toward An End to the Brunswick School Mask Mandate

Brunswick School Superintendent Phil Potenziano tells the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz that  because of more encouraging COVID-19 numbers, he plans to end the school mask mandate on March 14. If you missed it on the radio you may hear it here.

A School Board Race Heats Up in Harpswell

A two-man school board race is soon to be decided in Harpswell–a race with reverberations beyond that town and throughout Topsham, Bowdoin, Bowdoinham–the four towns that comprise the SAD-75 School District.   After earlier hearing from former board chair Tyler Washburn, who desires to return…

How Diet Relates to the Health of Your Heart

Clinical dietician Ellen Grant explains on WCME’s Central Maine Healthcare Close-Up. If you missed it on the radio you may hear it here.

Brunswick Police Chief Scott Stewart Reflects on a Police Standoff

On Saturday, February 19, 36-year-old Joshua Bailey, a resident of Linnhaven Mobile Home Park in Brunswick, is accused of holing up in his trailer for five hours with knives, as well as kerosene and paint thinner, which when mixed, were potentially explosive. Ultimately the situation…

Matter of the Heart with Cardiologist Dr. Adam Karpman

Dr. Karpman, from the staff of Central Maine Medical Center, was our guest on WCME’s Central Maine Healthcare Close-Up at the start of Valentine’s week, talking about what else–heart health.   If you missed it–you may hear it here.

Matters of the Heart–Dr. David Salko

It’s February–Heart Awareness Month–and this weekend we listened again on WCME’s Central Maine Healthcare Close-Up to a conversation one year ago this month on matters of the heart with a man you may know–Dr. David Salko, who is found at Topsham Family Care. If you…

WCME’s Mike Violette on the Legacy of Tom Brady

If you missed it on WCME you may hear it here.

The Value of Rural Hospitals

Jim Bleikamp talks with Central Maine Healthcare’s Peter Wright, who oversees Bridgton and Rumsford Hospitals, which have received national recognition for strong performance. If you missed it on the radio you can hear it here.

Alison Hawkes Departs

The final words to the SAD-75 School Board of a departing member. Alison Hawkes of Harpswell, a vocal opponent of mask mandates and other COVID-19 restrictions, says she’s resigning and contemplating a move to Florida, where her young son can go to school without a…

Potenziano’s Early Dismissal Plan

Brunswick School Superintendent Phil Potenziano on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz outlining his plan to dismiss students one hour early each Wednesday in order to give teachers and staff more professional development time.

Mike Violette on David Ortiz

WCME’s Mike Violette looks back on the baseball milestones of the force of nature known as David Ortiz, which have brought Big Papi to the Hall of Fame.   If you’re a Papi fan who missed this on the radio, we’re pretty sure you want…

Bath City Manager Marc Meyers On the new Bath Mask Mandate

It takes effect city-wide today–January 24–and Jim Bleikamp talked live with Marc Meyers inside WCME’s 8:00 news update on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz.  

The Much-Praised Maternity Ward at Central Maine Medical Center

Lindsay Austin is a team leader at CMMC’s Maternity Department and fills us in on a strong review from the magazine U-S News and World Report.

Senator Angus King on the Filibuster

If you missed it on today’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, here, in its entirety is the speech given in the Senate by Angus King opposing the continuation of the filibuster, which King notes is inhibiting even so much as a discussion of the voting rights…

Keeping Kids Physically Active

If you missed Lindsay Gannon of Healthy Androscoggin talking about her program aimed at keeping kids physically active in the pandemic and beyond, you may hear it here.   Central Maine Healthcare Close-Up–Saturday mornings at 9:05 and an encore Sunday mornings at 8:45 on 99-5…

Peter McDonald Blachly on his 17 years in a Religious Cult

Peter has settled in Bath and over the past year has finally opened up about a long and major early life experience in the group known as the American Sikhs. If you missed him on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, you may still hear him…

Brunswick At-Large Councilor Kathy Wilson Defends Her Call for an Expanded Mask Mandate

With a COVID-19 surge increasingly fueled by the omicron variant, Kathy appeared on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz.

Brunswick School Superintendent Phil Potenziano–Covid-19 Update

COVID-19 cases in a parallel to statewide trends, is running at a higher level in the Brunswick schools.   School Superintendent Phil Potenziano gave us an update on today’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz.   If you missed it, you may hear it here.

Emily Dooling-Hamilton on Smoking and Quitting Smoking

Central Maine Healthcare Close–the weekend program designed to help you stay healthy–or get there if you are not there.   ONLY on 99-5 WCME.   If you missed it today, you missed Part 2 of our chat with Emily Dooling-Hamilton, tobacco prevention specialist at Healthy…

Sheriff Joel Merry on the search for Kayleigh Beasley

The sheriff on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz talking about the search for a 15-year-old Mt. Ararat high school student who goes missing and is found–only to leave home again.

John Perreault leaves the Brunswick Town Council

He’s been there for 12 eventful chairs and the council’s chair for the last four years.  Monday night was his final meeting, after deciding earlier this year not to seek re-election. Today he spent nearly an hour on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz–looking back and…

Focusing on Gun Safety on the Ninth Anniversary of the Sandy Hook School Shooting

We went to the scene of a candlelight vigil in Downtown Brunswick held to remember the 26 victims of Sandy Hook—most of them very young children. And we talked with Maine gun safety activist Lynn Ellis, who says in spite of Maine’s reputation as a…

Getting Vaccinated–Amy Lee, Vice-President Central Maine Medical Group

The drive continues to get more people vaccinated in Androscoggin County at the Auburn Mall. Walk-in vax for anyone and everyone in Maine! An update here from Amy Lee, who is overseeing the project. On WCME’s Central Maine Healthcare Close-Up.

Brunswick Police Chief Scott Stewart on Guns

The Chief makes his monthly appearance on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz and reviews gun regulations in Maine after all the attention given to the school shooting in Michigan, in which four young people died. If you missed it on the radio, you may hear…

Elise Waber-Hays, Infection Preventionist at Central Maine Medical Center

This is National Influenza Vaccination Week and we are also still in the midst of the pandemic.   Elise Waber-Hays, an infection preventionist at Central Maine Medical Center, talked about both on this weekend’s edition of WCME’s Central Maine Healthcare Close-Up.   If you missed…

Brunswick School Superintendent Phil Potenziano on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Brunswick School Superintendent Phil Potenziano on the Buzz in the aftermath of a swirl of controversy and community discussion stemming from allegations of bullying and hazing at a Brunswick High School football retreat in August. The superintendent tells us that there will be more on…

More Reflections on the Bridge (The Frank J. Wood Bridge) between Brunswick and Topsham

Former Topsham Selectman Bill Thompson on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz joins the ever-growing community chorus in favor of forward motion on a new bridge  over the Androscoggin River between Brunswick and Topsham. If you missed it, you may hear it here.  

As We Enter Another Winter–The Status of COVID-19 in Maine

Expert analysis from Joanne Kenney Lynch, System Director of Infection Prevention at Central Maine Healthcare. On WCME’s Central Maine Healthcare Close-Up.

The Danger of Neglecting Your Medical Care

On today’s Central Maine Healthcare Close-Up, cardiologist Dr. Adam Karpman on the perils of neglecting your medical care during the pandemic. And more. If you missed it on WCME you can still hear it here.

Nick Blanchard of “Maine Patriots With Attitude” on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Jim Bleikamp here.   If you missed it on today’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, you can still hear myself and Nick Blanchard causing each other’s blood pressures to rise.   Nick is the founder of “Maine Patriots With Attitude” in Central Maine, and has a…

Dan Ankeles Runs for the Maine House

Dan, who was just re-elected to a second term as a Brunswick At-Large Councilor, now wishes to go to Augusta as a state representative. Dan’s first interview in the newly announced campaign was on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz. If you missed it, it’s right…

Dr. Michael Brown on Lung Cancer Part 2

The second half of our interview with Dr. Brown, a radiation oncologist at Central Maine Medical Center, talking about one of the deadliest cancers of all.

Brunswick Police Chief Scott Stewart on Hazing Allegations

The Chief appeared on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz to follow up on his Friday report. which found 1) No evidence of sexual assault, a crime based on anatomy and involving assault below the belt. 2) Potential victims of assault were identified. Assault involves “offensive…

Dr. Michael Brown on Lung Cancer

Central Maine Medical Center’s Dr. Brown has been helping Mainers battle this demon for years. And now, an update on how the fight is progressing.

Bath Councilor-Elect Roo Dunn on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Roo Dunn won a two-man battle for the council seat in Ward 4 this past Tuesday. If you missed him on the radio you may hear him here.

Ann Curtis on Domestic Violence

Ann is Ann Curtis is a nurse and the director of Central Maine Healthcare’s Maine College of Health Professions. She joined me to talk about the often avoided subject of domestic violence on WCME’s Central Maine Healthcare Close-Up. If you missed it on the radio…

Midcoast Hospital CEO Lois Skillings on COVID-19: Where We Stand On the Midcoast–October 29, 2021

If you missed it on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, you may still hear Lois here–in four consecutive segments.  

Katelyn Rolfson–Speech Pathologist, Who Reminds Us That October is National Stuttering Awareness Month

Katelyn talked about stuttering on WCME’s Central Maine Healthcare Close-Up. You may hear it here.

Denise Carina Shannon of Midcoast Symphony Orchestra on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Denise Carina Shannon, violinist with Midcoast Symphony Orchestra on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz previewing today’s “Welcome Back” concert at 2:30 at Orion Performing Arts Center–inside Mt. Ararat Middle School in Topsham.

Kyle Varoskovic–Physical Therapist at Central Maine Medical Center

Kyle talked about the value and healing power of various forms of physical therapy on WCME’s Central Maine Healthcare Close-Up. If you missed it on the radio, you can still hear it here.

Dr. Renee Thibodeau on Breast Cancer–Part 2

Dr. Thibodeau is an OB/GYN and a breast surgical oncologist who appeared on WCME’s Central Maine Healthcare Close-Up during October–Breast Cancer Awareness Month. If you missed it on the radio, you may still hear it here.

Shawn Rowe’s Days of Being Bullied

Shawn is a 2018 graduate of Brunswick High School who was in special education programs throughout his days in the Brunswick schools, and says he was repeatedly bullied. His story has special meaning in the context  of the current continuing investigation of bullying allegations among…

Brunswick School Superintendent At A Transformational Moment on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

The superintendent appears the morning after he announced the departure of Head Football Coach Dan Cooper and also released a heavily redacted report from the School Board’s attorney who has been investigating allegations of bullying and hazing during a recent football team retreat.

Dr. Renee Thibodeau, OB/GYN on Breast Cancer–in October–Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Dr. Thibodeau, based at Central Maine Medical Center in Lewiston, was our guest on this weekend’s Central Maine Healthcare Close-Up. If you missed it on the radio, you may hear it here.

Dr. Chris Bowe on COVID-19

Dr. Chris Bowe is Chief Medical Officer at Mid Coast Hospital and updated us on the status of COVID-19 on the Midcoast. If you missed it on the radio, you may catch it here.

Corrie Brown on Recovery–Part 2

On the latest edition of Central Maine Healthcare Close-Up the conclusion of a two-part series on Recovery. Specifically, recovery from substance abuse. The guest is Corrie Brown, Substance Misuse Prevention Coordinator at Healthy Androscoggin–a division of Central Maine Healthcare. If you missed it on the…

The Pandemic–A Tough Time for Fire Departments

Bath Fire Chief Lawrence Renaud, who has served on the department for 34 years, has embarked on a hiring drive. More about it here.

Corrie Brown on Recovery

On the latest edition of Central Maine Healthcare Close-Up the start of a two-part series on Recovery. Specifically, recovery from substance abuse. In this month of September–National Recovery Month. The guest is Corrie Brown, Substance Misuse Prevention Coordinator at Healthy Androscoggin–a division of Central Maine…

Dr. Dan Rausch on Blood Cancers

If you missed this weekend’s WCME’s Central Maine Healthcare Close-Up, you missed Dr. Dan Rausch talking about his work treating blood disorders and various cancers at Central Maine Medical Center. But you can still hear it here.

Freeport’s New Police Chief–Nate Goodman

He’s been on the Freeport force for 24 years–the last 15 in supervisory positions. Nate Goodman has now been appointed Chief of Police by Town Manager Peter Joseph. Within minutes of his confirmation by the Town Council, he spoke with WCME News. Hear it here.

Childhood Obesity on WCME’s Central Maine Healthcare Close-Up

If you missed this weekend’s Central Maine Healthcare Close-Up on childhood obesity, you can still hear it at the link below.   Questions and answers from Dr. Gretchen Pianka, pediatrician at Central Maine Medical Center in Lewiston.   Central Maine Healthcare Close-Up twice each weekend…

Dr. Rebecca Brakeley on Vaccine Hesitancy

A topic very much of the moment–vaccine hesitancy.   On this weekend’s edition of WCME’s Central Maine Healthcare Close-Up.   Questions and answers from Dr. Rebecca Brakeley, a pediatrician at Central Maine Medical Center in Lewiston.   If you missed it on the radio, you…

The Battle Against Hunger in Maine

On this weekend’s Central Maine Healthcare Close-up, we are up close with hunger in Maine and one who is working to lessen the problem. Cecelia Natale is health promotion coordinator at Healthy Androscoggin–a division of Central Maine Healthcare. If you missed it on the radio…

Dr. Renee Thibodeau of Central Maine Obstetrics-Gynecology on Women’s Health Issues

Dr. Renee Thibodeau was our guest on this week’s Central Maine Healthcare Close-Up. If you missed it, you can hear it here.

Emily Dooling-Hamilton, Tobacco Prevention Specialist, Healthy Androscoggin Part 2

In this segment of WCME’s Central Maine Healthcare Close-Up, you will hear Emily talk about the challenges involved in quitting smoking.

Emily Dooling-Hamilton, a Tobacco Prevention Specialist at Healthy Androscoggin, a Division of Central Maine Healthcare.

If you missed Emily on Central Maine Healthcare Close-Up over the weekend you can still catch here here.

Senator Angus King says Trump Could Measurably Help the Vaccination Effort

Senator Angus King, in an appearance today on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” said that President Trump, who has been vaccinated for COVID-19, could save many American lives by publicly getting behind the vaccination effort. You can hear Senator King, who also talked about the infrastructure bill…

Larissa Darcy Supporting The Replacement of the Frank J. Wood Bridge between Brunswick and Topsham

Larissa Darcy is the spokeswoman for the newly formed organization “Bridge To The Future”, which supports the Maine Department of Transportation to replace, and not  renovate the bridge.  If you missed Larissa on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, you may hear that interview here.

Allison Bruno on Diet and Diabetes

This weekend on WCME’s Central Maine Healthcare Close-Up, two big D’s–Diet and Diabetes. A conversation with Allison Bruno, a dietician at Central Maine Medical Center. If you missed it on the radio you may still hear it here.

Dr. Christopher Foote – Urologist

On this weekend’s WCME Central Maine Healthcare Close-Up, Part 2 of our chat with Dr. Christopher Foote from Central Maine Urology Center–we touched on hot-button issues like erectile dysfunction, medical marijuana as a treatment for some urological issues, and prostate cancer.   If you missed…

Seth Berry Reacts to Governor Mills’ Veto of Berry’s Consumer-Owned Electric Company Plan

Bowdoinham State Representative Seth Berry is the architect of the plan. If you missed this interview, just hours after the veto on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, you can hear it here.

Tyler Washburn on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Jim Bleikamp here.   In my coverage of the often exciting and rambunctious SAD-75 School Board, I often found the board’s youngest member (at least in recent times) and also its former chair, Tyler Washburn, to be an intriguing figure–thought he might make an interesting…

Dr. Christopher Foote, Urologist, Central Maine Medical Center

If you missed it on the radio this weekend, you can still hear it at the link below.   Questions–the kind that you might ask–and answers from Dr. Christopher Foote, a urology specialist at Central Maine Medical Center.   It’s Central Maine Healthcare Close-Up on…

Dr. David Salko of Topsham Family Medicine on COVID-19 and Other Summer Health Concerns

If you missed Dr. Salko on 99-5 WCME you can still hear him here.

Nurse Practitioner Jennifer Flynn with Summer Health and Safety Tips on 99-5 WCME

If you missed this weekend’s Central Maine Healthcare Close-Up, you missed out on some summer health and safety tips as we emerge from a long pandemic. From Nurse Practitioner Jennifer Flynn from Central Maine Medical Center. But you can still hear it at this link….

Dr. Winoah Henry on “All Things Liver”

Dr. Winoah Henry talked about liver health and liver concerns on this weekend’s Central Maine Healthcare Close-Up on 99-5 WCME. If you missed it, you may still hear it here.

Dr. Margaret Curtis Part 2

Part 2 of our two-part interview with Dr. Curtis on WCME’s Central Maine Healthcare Close-Up.  Dr. Curtis discussed the current state of COVID-19 in Maine and talked about what may lie ahead. With a particular emphasis on the impact of the virus on kids.

Pediatrician Dr. Margaret Curtis As We Emerge From The Pandemic

Dr. Margaret Curtis, from the staff of Central Maine Pediatric, on where we are now in the pandemic, and the short-term and long-term outlook.

Speech Pathologist Sara Lewis on WCME’s Central Maine Healthcare Close-UP

Speech difficulty–and speech therapy and speech pathology on this week’s Central Maine Healthcare Close-up on 99-5 WCME. Jim Bleikamp talks with Sara Lewis–a speech pathologist at Bridgton Hospital–an affiliate of Central Maine Healthcare. If you missed it on the radio, you may still catch it…

Ram Moves On

Jim Bleikamp here. We are periodically reminded by wise people that later on in this life and after this life ends, we may not be remembered so much for what we did, as much as how we made those around us FEEL. If that’s the…

Dante Granatiero on Why There Are No “Bad Animals”

Dante is the grants writer at Midcoast Humane–the Brunswick-based animal shelter. His job is to find grant money to benefit the organization. He also co-hosts the weekly “WCME Creature Feature” Fridays at 8:35 –a part of the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz. Where on Friday April…

Brunswick School Superintendent on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz–April 7

The superintendent updates the plan for  further reopening all schools on April 26 to in-classroom instruction.

Brunswick Police Chief Scott Stewart on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Brunswick Police Chief Scott Stewart on today’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz talking about the impact of the trial of a former cop in Minneapolis for the death of George Floyd.   In particular, the impact on attitudes about police and the impact on local police…

Brunswick School Superintendent Phil Potenziano on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz 3-18-21

We talked with the superintendent on the morning after a meeting of the Brunswick School Board, which approved a plan to resume in-classroom instruction at a minimum of four days per week in all schools beginning April 26.

Brunswick Police Chief Scott Stewart on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz–talking about mental health issues.

The Chief talking about one of the most difficult and challenging aspects  of police work. You may hear it here.

Mid Coast Hospital CEO Lois Skillings on the Opening of Mid Coast’s Regional COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic

If you missed Lois on 99-5 WCME you can still catch the interview here.

Brunswick Police Chief Scott Stewart on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz–January 4, 2021

The chief addressed recent and continuing concern about speeding on Jordan Avenue. You can hear it here.

COVID-19 On The Midcoast

Midcoast Hospital CEO Lois Skillings briefed the Topsham Select Board on December 3. You may hear her entire presentation here.

Dr. Chris Bowe talks COVID-19 on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

With the spike raging and the holidays approaching, we get an in-depth update on COVID-19 and its realities on the Midcoast from Dr. Bove, who serves as Midcoast Hospital’s chief medical officer. If you missed it on WCME you may still hear it here.

Recreational Marijuana Sales in Maine–Day 1

On the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, Ryan Holmes, proprietor of the Topsham-based medical marijuana provider Sundog Caregiving, recognized expert on marijuana economy issues and former member of the Topsham Marijuana Committee, with his view of the launch of recreational marijuana sales in Maine. If you…

Covid-19 at Harriet Beecher Stowe School

Here’s what Brunswick school superintendent Phil Potenziano had to say about it. ONLY on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz.

Bath Sweet Shoppe

We are proud to be sending a very SWEET message these days on 99-5 WCME. On behalf of Bath Sweet Shoppe on Centre Street in Bath–and its new owners. Jennifer DeChant and Isaac Ensel. It’s right here.

Midcoast Hospital Chief Medical Officer Dr. Chris Bowe–At the Moment When We Need Him Most

Dr. Bowe appeared on an extended edition of WCME’s Midcoast Morning Buzz to talk about getting ready for flu season and about COVID-19. If you missed it, it’s all here.

Dr. Nirav Shah–The Man–The Legend

Dr. Shah–director of Maine Center For Disease Control, the man who has guided us through the pandemic, on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz. We talked about the virus, the life and times of Dr. Shah, and even learned the name of his favorite piece of…

Brunswick School Superintendent Phil Potenziano On The Start of the Strangest School Year Ever!

Phil Potenziano on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz just days before the start of a hybrid education plan on Monday September 14. If you missed it you may hear it here.

Dr. Deborah Hagler, Midcoast Hospital pediatrician–on battling coronavirus

Dr. Hagler was our guest on a special extended edition of the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz. If you missed any part of it, you can hear it right here.

The Outlook for the New School Year in Brunswick

At Wednesday evening’s school board meeting, Brunswick School Department curriculum director Shanna Crofton outlined the so-called “hybrid” plan for education this fall, in the midst of the continuing pandemic. A mix of in-school instruction and online “distance” learning. The initial presentation from Shanna Crofton can…

Dr. Jim Sulikowski on All Things Shark

Jim is a veteran shark researcher, now at Arizona State University, and formerly of the University of New England. Here he is on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz in the aftermath of Monday’s fatal shark attack in the waters of Harpswell.

Poppy Artford–Democratic nominee, Maine House, District 49-Brunswick

Jim Bleikamp here. My apologies for taking longer than I would have liked to post the appearance on the Wednesday WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz-of Poppy Arford, the newly-designated winner of last week’s three-woman race for the Democratic nomination for a Maine House seat in Brunswick….

Melanie Sachs on The Morning After

Jim Bleikamp here. I guess you could say that I invited the former Freeport town council chair Melanie Sachs to take a victory lap in the last stanza of today’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz. After Melanie won the Democratic nomination for the Maine House seat…

Melanie Sachs seeking the Freeport seat in the Maine House–District 48

Melanie Sachs, who is a former two-term Freeport town council chair, is one of two Democratic candidates for the Maine House seat in District 48 covering Freeport and a part of Pownal. Melanie joined us this past Saturday on the WCME Election Guide. Also invited…

Mattie Daughtry and Stan Gerzofsky–State Senate candidates in District 29

Four-term Brunswick state representative Mattie Daughtry and former longtime senator Stan Gerzofsky are competing for the Democratic nomination for the Maine Senate seat in the 29th district, which includes Brunswick, Harpswell, Freeport, Pownal and North Yarmouth. The primary election is Tuesday. They squared off on…

The WCME Election Guide–The Democratic Battle for Maine House District 49 in Brunswick–Corey Perreault, Poppy Arford and Kathy Wilson

The three women in a quite friendly race to replace four-term state representative Mattie Daughtry in Brunswick, were interviewed one-on-one on WCME. If you missed it you may hear it here.

Brunswick’s new police chief–Scott Stewart–joins the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

The new chief in his first major interview since assuming his new duties in Brunswick–at a transitional moment for American police officers. If you missed any part of it, hear it here.

The Luka Baskett letter

Luka Baskett, a U-Maine-Farmington student who spent four years at Brunswick High School, and who graduated in 2018, has written a letter calling for an investigation of sexual violence at Brunswick High School. And the new superintendent is listening. Luka talked about her concerns on…

Brunswick police commander Mark Waltz hits the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Mark is a month away from retirement after missing out on the chief’s job–which went to former Cumberland County Sheriff’s patrol commander Scott Stewart. And he has a lot to say about the state of policing in general and in Brunswick in particular. If you…

The Black Lives Matter Interview

On the Monday June 8 WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, two men who come from very different places in this life, but who have come to know and respect one another over the past week. A relationship formed in the aftermath of the confrontational Black Lives…

Brunswick’s Izzy Banks–Setting Off Into The Future

Isabella Banks, often known as Izzy, is the president of the class of 2020 at Brunswick High School–the one that because of a global pandemic, will have only a limited graduation in June. Izzy has been class president throughout her four years at Brunswick High….

Moments of Truth: Brunswick town council chair John Perreault and councilor David Watson intensively question school department finance director Kelly Wentworth and determine that Brunswick school department funds are being used to cover a deficit at the REAL school–a regional school for troubled kids overseen by the Brunswick school department.

There are three clips here. 1) Initial questioning of Wentworth by Perreault. 2) Questioning of Wentworth by Watson 3) Subsequent questioning of Wentworth by Perreault  

Midcoast Hospital CEO Lois Skillings addressing the Brunswick town council–and played back on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz. Lois discusses her view of coronavirus business and social restrictions and also reflects on life at Midcoast Hospital during the peak of the virus outbreak in March

Curt Dale Clark on Why and How He Canceled Maine State Music Theater and Shook the Midcoast

Jim Bleikamp here. If you haven’t missed my interview with Curt Dale Clark, artistic director of Maine State Music Theater, talking about the end of a season that never began, you may hear it here. Curt begins with a notation that it was not a…

State representative Seth Berry talks Bath Iron Works and Central Maine Power on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Berry talks about his letter to BIW CEO Dirk Lesko, seeking a temporary shutdown at the shipyard in Bath, and also lodges some new complaints against Central Maine Power, which he seeks to replace with a consumer-owned utility.

Dr. Nirav Shah on COVID-19 outbreak at Freeport Group Home

42 more cases of Covid-19 just since Sunday in Maine, putting the new statewide total at 275 cases, and after earlier reporting a virus outbreak at Ocean View, the retirement and assisted living community in Falmouth, there is word of yet another outbreak in what…

Everything You Need to Know about Coronavirus (Or Almost Everything)

On Tuesday, March 24, we spent an hour with Dr. Carl Demars of Mid Coast Palliative Care at Midcoast Hospital on the subject we never stop thinking about–coronavirus. We tried to ask him every question that we could imagine that YOU might ask. If you…

Fairground Cafe owner Perry Leavitt on What He’s Doing to Survive in a New World

Perry was a guest today on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz.  You can hear it here.

Midcoast Humane’s Kate Griffith on Coronavirus and Animals

On the WCME Creature Feature–a part of the Friday Midcoast Morning Buzz–Kate, who is Midcoast Humane’s community programs manager, provided reassurance that you can’t get COVID-19 from your pet. Hear it here.

Dr. Andrea Loeffler-What You Need to Know about Coronavirus

Dr. Loeffler is a pediatrician at Midcoast Hospital who addressed the Brunswick school board on this issue Wednesday evening and on Thursday appeared on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz. If you missed it, you may hear it here.

Tedford Housing Director Rota Knott on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

And Rota Knott made some news on The Buzz by saying that the homeless services agency is “hitting” pause in its previously announced plans to expand and build a large resource center. This announcement follows a long and emotional debate on homeless shelter zoning regulations…

Brunswick town councilor/American Legion commander David Watson and Parks and Recreation Director Tom Farrell with a status update on the forthcoming Veterans Plaza on the Brunswick Town Mall.

It’s a major project on which construction will begin in the fall, with a dedication planned for Veterans Day. Hear the update here:  

Bowdoin Sunrise Endorses Sanders

The Sunrise movement is a growing national coalition of young people battling climate change and also promoting the creation of “green jobs.” In Brunswick, the Bowdoin College chapter of Sunrise was recently successful in convincing the Brunswick Town Council to go on record with a…

How a Burglary Led to a Business Vision-Keith Carlon

On the Monday WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, Keith Carlon, who along with his brother Kevin owns and runs Elevated Remedies, a medical marijuana dispensary in Brunswick’s industrial park, reflects on a recent burglary at his store, and how that got him thinking more deeply about…

Bath City Manager Peter Owen outlines the plan to reduce and perhaps eradicate rabies

The Bath City Council has voted unanimously to allocate $26,000 to the effort, which will involve help from the U-S Department of agriculture. Foxes and other possibly rabid animals will be trapped. Peter Owen talked about the pending effort with WCME’s Jim Bleikamp.

Senator Angus King on Impeaching President Trump

The senator held a 90–minute listening session at Bowdoin College on Sunday and held a brief news conference afterwards. Posted here is the audio of the news conference, which begins with Angus King making the case that the Senate in its deliberations this week should…

Fred Horch Runs Again

Fred is a former attorney, business owner, and longtime resident of downtown Brunswick making another bid for the Maine House in the 49th district, which encompasses about half of Brunswick. But Fred, unlike Mattie Daughtry, the current holder of the seat, is adamantly refusing suggestions…

Dr. Brian Beal talks “Brushing” on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Brian Beal is a marine ecologist at the University of Maine at Machias who has just completed a study conducted at three marine locations in Maine–one of which is Harpswell. A study into the effect of “brushing” on clam recruitment and survival–putting fir boughs and…

Brunswick At-Large Town Councilor Kathy Wilson on her just-announced bid for a Maine House Seat

A surprise announcement from Kathy Wilson, who is in her second term on the Brunswick council. But she says she has wanted to do it for years. We spoke at length with Kathy on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz.

State senator Eloise Vitelli begins a campaign for re-election against a spirited Republican challenge

Eloise Vitelli appeared on Friday’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz. If you missed it, you can hear it here.

Stan Gerzofsky on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

The veteran former state senator from Brunswick left Augusta in 2016–not because he wanted to–but rather because he was required to leave by the state’s term-limits law. Three years later he wants his old seat again. Stan’s largest problem is that the popular four-term veteran…

Holly Kopp-veteran SAD 75 School Board Member–and Now A State Senate Candidate. On the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz.

Holly Kopp is also a former chair of the SAD 75 board of directors, and holds a masters in school psychology. She’s challenging incumbent Democratic senator Eloise Vitelli in the 23rd senate district, which includes all of Sagadahoc County and Dresden in Lincoln County. If…

Martha Stein–The Status and Future of Asylum Seekers in Maine

Martha Stein is uniquely positioned to talk about the asylum seekers. From their point of intake in Portland–where she serves as executive director of Hope Acts–an organization supporting asylees. And she also lives on the Midcoast–in Brunswick–where she formerly served as development director at Tedford…


On an extended edition of today’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, Andy Sokoloff, bereavement coordinator at CHANS Home Health and Hospice in Brunswick, talked about grief at the holidays and how to deal with it–and related issues. If you missed it, you may still catch it…

The Brunswick Town Council debate–McGrath and Trusiani

There are three seats being filled in Tuesday’s Brunswick municipal election but only one race has more than one candidate–the one for the downtown council seat now held by the retiring Jane Millett. The candidates are Toby McGrath, a veteran political strategist and former deputy…

Topsham selectman Bill Thompson and Select Board candidate Matt Nixon talk Topsham issues ahead of the Tuesday election in which they are both candidates for seats on the board.

A third candidate, incumbent selectwoman Marie Brillant, was not a part of the discussion because of a prior commitment. If you missed it, you can hear it here.

Suzanne Johnson on Contamination at the former Brunswick Naval Air Station

Suzanne is a Brunswick-based attorney and president of Brunswick Area Citizens for a Safe Environment, who says the Navy’s plan for dealing with remaining contamination in stormwater at Brunswick Landing is lacking. She explained on today’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz. If you missed it, you…

Brunswick at-large town councilor Dan Ankeles on the possibility of a council pay raise

Dan appeared on Tuesday’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz. You can hear it here.  

Bowdoinham state representative Seth Berry More Critical Than Ever of Central Maine Power

Berry is the state’s leading critic of CMP–he’s pushing legislation to require the sale of its assets to the state which would then form a consumer-owned utility. His case may be bolstered by an incident in his own district, in which a 71-year-old woman living…

Kathy Izard on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

On the Buzz Kathy Izard told a part of the story that has already gripped millions–on NBC’s Today show and all over the country.   In her best-selling book “The Hundred Story Home.”   And tonight at 7:30 she will tell it again at First…

Kevin and Keith–Retail Marijuana

Kevin (r) and Keith Carlon (l)–two brothers born and raised in Brunswick–have become the first proprietors to be licensed to operate a medical marijuana storefront in Brunswick under the terms of the town’s new ordinance–enacted last year. The Carlons have been operating for two months–on…

The aftermath of the world-wide “climate strike.” Louise Cummins and Lucie Nolden from Bowdoin College.

Louise and Lucie are activists in the Bowdoin College student organization “Bowdoin Climate Change.”  They appeared on the Monday WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz in the aftermath of Friday’s world-wide “climate strike” to show concern about the warming of the earth. They say the Bowdoin College…

Melissa Fochosato and Cate Parker on the new Midcoast Center for Communty Health and Wellness

Melissa and Cate are focused on disease prevention and on wellness at Midcoast Center for Community Health and Wellness–at Midcoast Hospital’s  Parkview Campus on Main Street in Brunswick. They joined Jim Bleikamp on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz.

Body Leaping Backward: Memoir of a Delinquent Girlhood

Jim Bleikamp here. It was both fun and poignant hearing from Georgetown’s Maureen Stanton on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz–talking about her newly published gaze on the hard highway she rode in the 70s. Not far away–in Walpole, Massachusetts. Just a bit south of Boston….

A New Novel in Town

Today is the drop date for the fifth novel from Bowdoin College creative writing professor Brock Clarke. “Who are You, Calvin Bledsoe?” The story focuses on a small-town Mainer living in the house in which he grew up, who first sees his father and then…

Solar Power in Topsham-Victor Langelo

The latest talk about broad-based solar power is in Topsham, where the select board has authorized a solar-advocating citizens group known as Topsham Solar Advocates to consult with both town staff and solar developers with the aim of presenting a solar power purchase plan to…

Seth Berry on Central Maine Power

Seth is a Democratic state representative from Bowdoinham who co-chairs the legislature’s energy committee. He’s also the legislature’s most vocal critic of Central Maine Power, and is pushing a bill that would require the sale of its assets for the formation of a consumer-owned utility–as…

Seth Berry on Central Maine Power

Longtime Bowdoinham state representative Seth Berry, co-chair of the legislature’s Energy Committee, reacts to the very unusual op-ed from Maine’s Public Utilities Commission, appearing in the Portland Press Herald and Maine Sunday Telegram, which drops as the PUC continues an investigation of Central Maine Power….

Help Wanted

Our way of reminding you that help and donations are appreciated in the drive to help the refugees arriving in Brunswick from Portland.   Utilizing the tuneful reflections of the pop icon Neil Sedaka.   You can touch base with Brunswick town hall at 725-6659….

Abdi Iftin–From Mogadishu to Freeport

Jim Bleikamp here. Next time when I am prone to complain that my life is overly chaotic, I will think of Abdi Iftin–my guest today on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, who was born 34 years ago in Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia in the…

A Watson Surprise

David Watson is Brunswick’s longest-serving town councilor, the only one who wears what we might call a definitive “conservative” label and for that reason and others, he connects with a like-minded group of people in town–not small in size–who have a bond with Watson that…

The Man Behind the Magic

A whole bunch of people–many of them kids–from 9 to 90–enjoy the carnival rides every year at Bath Heritage Days, and at other spots in Maine. And inevitably the company providing and operating those rides is Smoky’s Greater Shows–a firm that’s been around for 65…

Flying Fur on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Delightful Friday moments today on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz hosting the award-winning husband-and-wife independent filmmakers Matt Notthelfer and Alicia Wszelaki, whose new film “Flying Fur” is attracting many eyeballs. It’s a documentary focusing on Iraq War vet and private pilot Paul Steklenski and his…

Pepper’s Landing

Big fun to spend some time today on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz with Amy Lilly–overseeing Pepper’s Landing–your new stop for lobster and seafood at Merrymeeting Plaza, Bath Road, Brunswick. If you missed it, you can hear it here.

Bath Heritage Days 2019–Mari Eosco

Jim Bleikamp here. Some notable changes are ahead for this year’s massive Heritage Days celebration in Bath over the Fourth of July weekend. For one thing it is no longer simply “Bath Heritage Days”–it is “Bath Heritage Days and Music Festival”–yes with a greater focus…

Climate Change on the Midcoast–Here and Now–Pete Slovinsky

We at WCME have had a number of requests to post our recent interview with Pete Slovinsky–a coastal geologist at the Maine Geological Survey–a unit of the state department of agriculture.  Pete talks here about how climate change is ALREADY impacting us, what we might…

Veteran writer David Vermette talking about his new book “A Distinct Alien Race” about French-Canadiens in Maine and throughout New England on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz.

Annie Rose on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Annie is a member of the Bowdoin College Class of 2020 who caught the eyes of many on the Midcoast with her recent op-ed in the Bowdoin Orient, which has to do with the gulf that sometimes exists between the college and the community and…

Mike and Jim talk book-banning on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

After Mike Violette sounded off on today’s Buzz on the emergence of eight-man football in some high schools in Maine, Mike and Jim Bleikamp tackled an emerging political and educational development in Maine. It so happens that on one day recently, the teenaged son of…

The Sound Bite of the Year

Jim Bleikamp here. Every day-every month-every year at WCME we air a multitude of local voices–it’s a big part of what we do.  Some of them come to the Midcoast Morning Buzz at our studio at Fort Andross in downtown Brunswick and are heard live….

Pender Makin on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Pender Makin currently serves as assistant school superintendent in Brunswick and has been tapped by Governor-elect Janet Mills to serve as the state’s education commissioner. The first part of this interview dealt with Pender’s background in education including her directorship of the REAL school–the alternative…

Dale Arnold back on WCME!

The well-known and highly regarded Boston-based sportscaster and Bruins TV host was back in Brunswick this weekend–the place where his broadcasting career began at the age of 15 on WCME—where he was “the voice of the Brunswick Dragons.” Dale was in town to sign copies…

Bath city council chair/Main Street Bath director Mari Eosco

Mari talks about Friday evening’s pre-Christmas celebration in downtown Bath–known as “Bright Night Bath.” And she talks about a few other things. On the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz.

Craig Phillips on Homelessness in Brunswick on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz 12-11

With something of a storm raging in Brunswick over zoning regulations for homeless shelters, we hear the thoughts of the man at the helm of  Tedford Housing, the homeless services agency in Brunswick, which operates two downtown shelters, and has formulated a plan to consolidate…

Sheldon Tepler at the Candlelight Vigil in Bath in the Aftermath of the Synagogue Slaughter in Pittsburgh

Mr. Tepler–a member of Beth Israel–Bath’s Jewish congregation–spoke  memorably about anti-Semitism and other forms of prejudice at the vigil in Bath’s Library Park. Very compelling. So much so we played it back in full on the Monday WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz. But if you missed…

Rabbi Lisa Vinikoor of Bath’s Beth Israel Congregation on the Midcoast Jewish community’s reaction to the synagogue massacre in Pittsburgh

Rabbi Vinikoor announced a candlelight vigil for everyone in the community Sunday November 4 at 4:30 in Library Park in Bath. On Friday morning November 2 she appeared on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz to talk about a range of issues in the aftermath of…

Tim Sample Makes the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

One of the largest days in Buzz history. How could it not be? We were joined by Maine’s premier humorist Tim Sample, who hung around for an hour after speaking to a breakfast gathering sponsored by the Brunswick Downtown Association. If you missed it, it’s…

Medicate and Educate September 29, 2018

If you missed the latest edition of WCME’s ground-breaking “Medicate and Educate–Saturdays at 11AM–the show that covers the ever-changing legal cannabis culture in Maine–both medical and recreational–hear it here. Hosted by Ryan Holmes of Sundog Caregiving/Topsham.  

Pat Colwell on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Jim Bleikamp here. Can’t tell you what it was a pleasure to spend some time on the Friday WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz with a man so wonderfully wedded to the roots of American music. Pat Colwell joined us to talk about a special event Saturday…

Medicate and Educate August 25, 2018

Some call it “Med and Ed” for short. Whatever. It’s WCME’s weekly update on medical cannabis and other cannabis issues. Hosted by Ryan Holmes of Sundog Caregiving/Topsham. This week Ryan and co-host RJ talk about security considerations faced by those in the marijuana business.  

Medicate and Educate August 18, 2018

It’s WCME’s weekly forum on medical cannabis and other cannabis issues hosted by Ryan Holmes of Sundog Caregiving/Topsham. If you missed this weekend’s edition, you can still hear it here.

Medicate and Educate August 11, 2018

If you missed this weekend’s edition of WCME’s weekly forum on cannabis issues, you may still hear it now. It’s hosted by Ryan Holmes of Sundog Caregiving/Topsham. Right here.

Should we license cats in Maine?

One who believes we should is Times-Record columnist Jon Crimmins, who made his case on today’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz. If you missed it, you can still hear it here.

Medicate and Educate-August 4, 2018

If you missed the August 4 edition of “Medicate and Educate”, WCME’s weekly forum on medical cannabis and other cannabis issues in Maine, and hosted by Ryan Holmes, hear it here:

WCME’s Medicate and Educate 7-28

If you missed it this weekend, here it is again. WCME’s weekly forum on cannabis issues. Every Saturday morning at 11.

Tom Cole welcomes WCME “back to FM”

Brunswick realtor Tom Cole of Better Homes and Gardens/The Masiello Group, also happens to be the one-time co-owner of WCME in another incarnation–when WCME was based in Boothbay Harbor as an FM station.   So when he heard that we were about to launch a…

WCME’s Medicate and Educate 7-21

Our weekly forum on medical cannabis and other cannabis issues. Saturdays at 11AM. Expertly hosted by Ryan Holmes–proprietor of Sundog Caregiving in Topsham. If you missed this weekend’s edition: hear it here.

WCME’s “Medicate and Educatte”–July 14, 2018

It’s WCME’s ground-breaking weekly update on medical cannabis and other cannabis issues 11AM Saturdays. Hosted by Ryan Holmes, proprietor of Sundog Caregiving/Topsham. If you missed this week’s edition, no problem. Hear it here.

Dr. Mandie Wehr on the Topsham dog-biting incident and on cat abuse in Phippsburg-WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz-July 13

A young girl from Wiscasset is at Tufts Medical Center in Boston where doctors are hoping to save her eyesight, after she was bitten on the face by a boxer dog at her babysitter’s home on Raymond Road in Topsham. Dr. Mandie Wehr, chief veterinarian…

WCME’s Medicate and Educate July 7, 2018

It’s WCME’s weekly forum on medical cannabis in Maine and other cannabis issues. Every Saturday morning at 11. Today, your hosts Ryan Holmes and RJ discussed Governor LePage’s Friday veto of medical marijuana reform legislation. If you missed it, you may still hear it here….

Medicate and Educate 6-30-2018

The latest edition of WCME’s weekly forum on medical cannabis and other cannabis issues. 11AM Saturday mornings. Hosted by Ryan Holmes, proprietor of Sundog Caregiving, a medical cannabis delivery service in Topsham. If you missed it, hear it here.

Medicate and Educate-June 23

Medicate and Educate is WCME’s weekly forum on medical cannabis and cannabis issues Saturday mornings at 11. On today’s edition, host Ryan Holmes launched a discussion about the possible impact of the legalization of marijuana in Canada on the U-S. If you missed it you…

Medicate and Educate Saturday June 16

If you missed this week’s edition of “Medicate and Educate”–WCME’s weekly forum on medical cannabis and other cannabis issues–with Ryan Holmes of Sundog Caregiving in Topsham–all is not lost. You can hear it right here. And join us every Saturday morning at 11.

Mike Violette on The Battle in Wells over Native American Imagery (which began with a complaint from a woman in Lisbon)

Jim Bleikamp here. It all began with Amelia Tuplin in Lisbon, a woman with heritage in the Micmac tribe and a son on the Lisbon Greyhound football team. She complained last fall about football game between the Wells Warriors and the Greyhounds in Wells, where…

Mike Violette and Jim Bleikamp on Ranked Choice Voting

Mike Violette talks sports every morning at 8:10 on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz–it’s a service of Tucker Ford, Bath Road, Brunswick–New England’s fastest-growing Ford dealer. But sometimes it goes beyond sports and after all, Maine politics may be the greatest sport of all. So…

Medicate and Educate June 9, 2018

In case you haven’t heard it, “Medicate and Educate” is WCME’s new show at 11 Saturday morning dealing with medical cannabis and other cannabis issues. Hosted by Ryan Holmes, who runs Sundog Caregiving, a medical cannabis delivery service in Topsham. Here is the opening segment…

Medicate and Educate June 2

In case you missed in on WCME Saturday morning, here is the latest installment of our weekly update on medical cannabis and additional cannabis issues. Hosted by Ryan Holmes of Sundog Caregiving in Topsham.  

Head of Tide Park

It’s a brand new 12-acre park in Topsham, with the Cathance River running through it. Saturday June 2 is the day of the grand opening. But a day earlier, Jim Bleikamp talked with two in the know–Topsham Parks and Recreation Director Pam LeDuc and Angela…

Otis’s story

Here’s something that might make you feel better if you are having a bad day. Otis, a husky mix, was surrendered by his owners to Coastal Humane Society in Brunswick, because they lacked the knowledge and resources to deal with issues arising out of his…

District Attorney candidate Jon Gale on WCME’s Midcoast Morning Buzz

With Cumberland County District Attorney Stephanie Anderson leaving office at the end of this year after nearly 30 years, a crowded race is on to replace her. Three Democrats, an Independent, and a Republican. One of the three Democrats is veteran Portland attorney Jon Gale….

Medicate and Educate May 19, 2018

The debut edition of WCME’s new weekly show on cannabis issues. Hosted by Topsham’s Ryan Holmes. Saturdays at 11AM. If you missed it, you may hear it here.  

Perrault and Mason on the Brunswick budget standoff

The Brunswick school board wants to spend considerably more on the schools in the year ahead than town councilors, who want to limit the tax rate increase to three percent. That has led to some predictable friction, which boiled over both at Wednesday evening’s school…

Mike Violette on the Celtics

WCME’s Mike Violette has a problem. He’s predicted that the Celtics will lose their current playoff series to the Philadelphia 76ers. But the Celtics already have a leg up on proving Mike wrong. Because they won the series opener. A not-inflamed Mike discussed the situation…

Kelly’s story

Jim Bleikamp here. Kelly is a young woman and a senior at Brunswick High School, who in large part, has grown up at the Brunswick Teen Center. She had some tough times in coming of age, and says the teen center and teen center coordinator…

Ben Tucker Defends the Brunswick School Budget Proposal

Ben is a school board member and former two-term town councilor. He was heard on the April 2 Midcoast Morning Buzz, defending a plan that calls for a nearly five percent tax hike to fund public education in Brunswick for the 2018-2019 fiscal year.  

Mike Violette at the Intersection of Sports and Politics on Tuesday’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz!

The March For Our Lives–Brunswick

On the Monday Midcoast Morning Buzz, a collage of voices from this past Saturday in downtown Brunswick–where almost everyone it seemed was focused on guns. Most of them were there to show support for an increase in gun restrictions. But not all. If you missed…

Mike Violette Sports–February 22–Speeding Up Baseball

Mike on some of the latest proposals for speeding up America’s national pastime, and on the outlook for the Brunswick Dragon girls in the Saturday evening Class A South final against the Greely Rangers. If you missed it on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, hear…

Mike Violette on Sports–February 20-The Brunswick Girl Dragons

The forever-skeptical Mike Violette has had an epiphany. In the course of the sparkling 75-24 quarterfinal win in the Maine Basketball Tournament by the Brunswick Dragon girls over the Falmouth Yachtswomen, Mike says he became a big-time believer. If you missed it on the WCME…

Mike Violette on Sports–Feb. 13–How does Paul Pierce figure into the history of the Celtics?

Paul’s jersey was retired on Sunday–never to be worn again. Mike looks back and reflects.

Mike Violette on Sports-Thursday February 8

Mike on what we fail to appreciate about the current play of the Celtics and the Bruins. If you missed it on Thursday’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, hear it here.

Mike Violette Cannot Quickly Leave the Super Bowl Behind–February 6

Mike’s thoughts on the benching of the talented Malcolm Butler by Bill Belichick. If you missed them on WCME hear them here.

Mike Violette’s Super Bowl Reflections…What happened?

If you missed Mike on the morning after the Super Bowl on WCME, hear him here.  

LePage and Richardson February 3, 2018

LePage and Richardson–The Republican governor and John Richardson, the former Democratic speaker of the Maine House. Every Saturday they are on WCME usually tackling the same subject from diametrically opposed points of view. And sometimes they go their own way.   This weekend, the governor…

Eric Simonds–The WCME Midcoast Money Memo

2018 Social Security changes. Brunwick-based certified financial planner Eric Simonds ran them down for you on this weekend’s WCME Midcoast Money Memo–every Saturday morning at 11:05. If you missed it, you can still hear it here.

Mike’s Super Bowl Prediction

Mike Violette’s Super Bowl prediction and supporting evidence. Just in time for the big game. Hear it here, and catch Mike live on sports weekday mornings at 8:10. ONLY on Radio 9 WCME. Brought to you by Tucker Ford, Route 1, Brunswick. Coming soon to…

Mike Violette on Sports

As we enter the month in which players report to training camps in Florida and Arizona, Mike sounds off on the pace of major  league baseball and how it might be quickened. If you missed it on the Thursday WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, hear it…

Mike Violette on Sports-January 31

Mike talks about the PARTIAL end to the life of Chief Wahoo–the controversial symbol of the Cleveland Indians and what it could mean for Native American sports nicknames in Maine and elsewhere. Hear it here.

Mike Violette on Sports January 30

You need not talk very long on the radio to sometimes foster fury. Last Saturday, a talk show host on Boston’s all-sports WEEI, musing on a new documentary about Tom Brady, made a quick reference to a scene showing Brady in his kitchen with his…

Mike Violette on Sports

On today’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz it was something like a Mike doubleheader! First Mike mused and mentally meandered on the ultimate fate of some promising baseball free agents. And then Mike and Jim Bleikamp reflected on the controversial plea deal in which a string…

Mike Violette on Sports Jan. 26

Mike focuses on the curious nature of Boston Bruins star Brad Marchand.

Mike Violette on Sports-January 25

Today Mike wonders about the absence of some certain big names from baseball’s Hall of Fame. Mike lays it on the line mornings at 8:10 on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz. Hear today’s edition here.  

Mike Violette on Sports January 24

If you missed it at 8:10 this morning on WCME, here’s Mike Violette on Sports. Brought to you by Tucker Ford, Route 1, Brunswick.   Today, our hero was on a daring and even potentially dangerous mission–pondering the possible rearrangement of the Mt. Rushmore of…

LePage vs. Richardson on Sweets for Food Stamp Recipients on WCME

For the second time in less than two years, the federal agriculture department has denied a request from Governor LePage to ban food stamp recipients from using their benefits to buy sugary drinks and candy. A LePage spokeswoman says the request will be resubmitted. On…

Martin Luther King-A Maine Connection

Jim Bleikamp here. Nearly 50 years after his death, it surely does seem that the “I Have a Dream” speech is the winner when it comes to the speech by Martin Luther King that is his best known and most-loved. And not, of course, without…

St. John’s Catholic School–Brunswick

At St. John’s Catholic School on Pleasant Street in Brunswick on Pleasant Street in Brunswick, they are beginning a drive to find more students with an Open House at the school on Sunday January 28 from Noon-2.   You’re invited.   And on the Thursday…

The World’s Newest Version of “Baby It’s Cold Outside”

Recorded at WCME and heard on the Thursday ‘WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz.”   From Logan and Juliet.   Logan Whelan and Juliet Frizzle of the Brunswick Junior High School Choral Program.   And you can hear it here:

The State of the Cold Snap–National Weather Service meteorologist Chris Kimball 12-27-2017

If you missed Chris on the Wednesday WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, not to worry. You can hear it here.

Baby It’s Cold Outside (On the Midcoast)

Thanks so much for listening to and enjoying WCME’s Christmas Eve Baby It’s Cold Outside Marathon–with over 50 versions of the classic winter song. Made more special by a Midcoast connection. And a local take on Baby It’s Cold Outside. From Stacy Frizzle is executive…

State senator Eric Brakey on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

So far, two-term Auburn state senator Eric Brakey is the only Republican challenging Angus King’s 2018 U-S senate re-election campaign.   Eric joined the Midcoast Morning Buzz on Tuesday and talked with Jim Bleikamp.   Missed it? No problem. Hear it here. 

The WCME Baby Its Cold Outside Marathon!!!

Radio 9 WCME is proud indeed to present the Baby It’s Cold Outside Marathon–many many versions of the Christmas and winter favorite. On Christmas Eve. The ones you know. The ones you don’t know. A country-tinged version or two. A soulful version. A home-brewed Midcoast…

THE WCME Midcoast Money Memo–Eric Simonds–Social Security Changes in 2018

Must-listen radio. Brunswick-based certified financial planner Eric Simonds on social security changes in a year that will soon be here.

Frank Connors on Vietnam

Frank Connors has done much with his life–Times-Record writer and photographer, Bowdoinham town manager, People Plus membership director (at present) and a prolific writer of numerous essays and several books. On today’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz just one day ahead of Veteran’s Day, Frank read…

Jim Bleikamp on the legacy of Playboy founder Hugh Hefner

Jim says on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz that the contributions of a controversial man were notable.

The NFL Protests–Two Points of View

Jim Bleikamp hashed it out on Monday’s Midcoast Morning Buzz with WCME sportscaster Mike Violette, best known to many for years as Maine talkradio’s “compassionate conservative caveman.”  

LePage and Richardson–Medicaid Expansion and the Governor’s Controversial Comments

Saturdays at High Noon on WCME–it’s LePage and Richardson–the weekly radio face-off on the future of Maine. In one corner, Governor LePage and in the other, John Richardson, former Democratic speaker of the Maine House.   Often they address the same subject but this week,…

Eric Simonds on All Things Lottery

Brunswick-based certified financial planner Eric Simonds with some factors to consider before you buy your next lottery ticket, on this week’s edition of the WCME Midcoast Money Memo–every Saturday morning at 11:05.

300 years of First Parish in Brunswick

If you missed Friday’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz with Margo Knight, former church council chair at First Parish in Brunswick, and former Brunswick town councilor, talking about the church’s rich history, as it celebrates its 300th anniversary, you can still hear it here.

Richardson Strikes Back

On the August 19th edition of WCME’s weekend point-counterpoint program “LePage and Richardson”, Brunswick’s John Richardson, a former Democratic speaker of the Maine House strikes back at Governor LePage’s comparison of statues honoring Robert E. Lee, the commander of the Confederate army in the Civil…

Can you retire on 70 percent of your pre-retirement pay?

That’s the question addressed by Brunswick-based certified financial planner Eric Simonds  on the WCME Midcoast Morning Memo at on Radio 9 WCME. 900AM. And if you missed it, thankfully you can still here it here.

Callie Ferguson Talks the Future of Fishing on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Thanks so much to Callie Ferguson for joining us on today’s Midcoast Morning Buzz to talk about her Forecaster story on the young people entering the lobster industry. If you haven’t seen it yet…you can do that below. And you can hear Callie here. Maine’s…

Challenges for Eveningstar Cinema

On the Friday WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, up close and in-depth with Eveningstar Cinema/Brunswick   owner-operator Barry Norman.   Barry talked with us about the challenges he faces in running an independent theater in 2017.   If you missed it, hear it here now.  In two…

Jim Bleikamp on the Perzanoski Pay Raise

Jim Bleikamp here. Following a two-hour closed session and a controversy-filled year in which the Brunswick school board settled a bullying lawsuit for $125,000, the board has now awarded a two percent pay raise to school superintendent Paul Perzanoski, who is already salaried at $139.922….

Dancing on a Rainy Day in Brunswick

It might be your perfect event on a rainy day on the Midcoast. Miss Annabelle’s fourth annual dance recital. Crooker Theater. Brunswick High School. Saturday afternoon at 2–for the benefit of Brunswick Teen Center. Watch a video preview here:

Helping the Homeless in Brunswick

Jennifer Iacovelli, development director at Tedford Housing, which runs two homeless shelters in Brunswick, was on Thursday’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz talking about tonight’s annual Tedford meeting and awards at 5:00 at the Daniel Hotel on Water Street. Everyone invited! Free Hors ‘d oeuvres and…

False Reports on Sexual Abuse? Professionals Reply

Even though the credibility of people reporting sexual abuse is frequently challenged, as has been the case in the recent lawsuit involving alleged abuse at Brunswick Junior High School, professionals who respond to such abuse are pushing back. On today’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, Melanie…

Smart New Yorkers vacation in Maine

We’re fortunate at WCME to have a bond with some talented folk at the nation’s classiest all-news station–WCBS NewsRadio 880 in New York. WCBS afternoon news anchor Steve Scott is a frequent Maine visitor and braved some heavy rain today to visit us at Fort…

Mike Violette on Bullying in Brunswick

Mike is a longtime and major conservative radio voice in Maine and spent a decade as the co-host of the hugely popular Portland-based “Ken and Mike” morning show. On Wednesday, Mike joined the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz with his take on the school bullying lawsuit–and…

Kathy Wilson Speaks out on Brunswick’s Bullying Lawsuit

On Monday, Brunswick-at-large town councilor Kathy Wilson became the first elected town official to speak out on the event that resulted in some national attention to Brunswick last week–the recently-settled lawsuit in which former Brunswick junior high school student Chaz Wing was awarded $125,000 after…

Inside the Brunswick Bullying Lawsuit

The courts have seen fit to seal and keep from public view much of the testimony from depositions given by key figures in the recently-settled lawsuit brought by Chaz Wing, a former Brunswick junior high school student who says he was bullied and even raped…

Richard Rubin on World War 1

Richard Rubin, is a Brunswick-based historian and author–who has written two critically acclaimed books about the largely forgotten World War 1. Richard is also a contributor to the three-part PBS American Experience documentary on World War 1, first part of which aired Monday evening. On…

Les Miserables in Brunswick

The stage adaptation of Victor Hugo’s classic novel about the struggles of an ex-convict will be performed all weekend beginning Thursday evening at Crooker Theater in Brunswick by the Brunswick High School Players. Thanks to actors Elliott Nagler and Isaac Bol for joining the Wednesday…

Darcie Couture’s Battle of a Lifetime

On the Tuesday Midcoast Morning Buzz at 7:35, Brunswick resident Darcie Couture shared a story of struggle. Darcie’s husband Scott, served in the Marine Patrol for over 15 years and, during that time experienced increasingly serious post-traumatic stress stemming from his service in Iraq. After…

From the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz–Thursday March 9–Reflections on a Contract Renewal

In the aftermath of a 125 thousand dollar settlement of a long-running lawsuit in which a former Brunswick junior high school student charged that he had been bullied and sexually assaulted over a period of two and a half years by a group of fellow…

Time to License Cats?

Brunswick town council vice-chair Kathy Wilson, a longtime animal advocate, says it is time to make such a move in Maine. Here she is on the Friday Midcoast Morning Buzz on WCME. The idea has been endorsed in the past by another Brunswick councilor–Steve Walker.

Brunswick School Board Member Sarah Singer On Maintenance of School Buildings and a Bullying Lawsuit

Brunswick Fire Chief Ken Brillant Wants A New Fire Station

The chief discussed the need for a new station and also answered questions from WCME’s Jim Bleikamp about the potential for cost-saving regionalization and consolidation of fire services.  

The Critter Corner with Kathy Wilson

The Critter Corner is a regular feature of the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz–Friday’s at 8:35, when we are visited by Joe Montisano, executive director of Coastal Humane Society/Brunswick. Joe lets loose with a raft of pet and animal advice. But filling in this New Year’s…

Homeless On The Midcoast

A first-person account of being homeless from a woman who identifies herself as Renae–now living in Bath, but who in 2012 spent six months at Tedford Housing, the Brunswick homeless shelter. Renae was also a speaker at Tuesday evening’s service in memory of local homeless…

Sarah Brayman on the Brunswick School Repair Dilemma

After a year of discussion by both town councilors and school board members aimed at a voter referendum on the construction of a new elementary school and a simultaneous major repair project at the junior high school, there is now talk of splitting off the…

John Richardson’s Moment With Fidel

In 2006, Richardson was serving as Maine’s economic development commissioner when he helped former governor Baldacci lead a Maine trade mission to Cuba and met Castro, who died this past Friday. John, also a former speaker of the Maine House, is pictured fourth to the…

A Move to Make Bowdoin College a “Sanctuary Campus”

Leah Alper is a politically active Bowdoin senior circulating a petition calling for such a designation to protect immigrant students at risk of deportation under the incoming Trump administration. She talked with Jim Bleikamp on WCME’s Midcoast Morning Buzz.

David Morgan and Green Lion Gallery/Bath on WCME’s Midcoast Money Memo with Eric Simonds

Eric talks with the co-owner of Bath’s newest gallery–on Front Street.

Rigging The Election in Freeport?

Former Freeport town council chair Ed Bonney was working last week at the polling place at Freeport High School as a deputy election warden when he says he was accused by two men of RIGGING the election. Hear Ed’s story here:

Freeport’s New Town Council Chair Sarah Tracy

Sarah talks about the year ahead for the council.

Coleman Burke on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Coleman Burke. The man who 30 years ago had a vision for what might happen to what was then an old and falling-apart building in downtown Brunswick known as Fort Andross. Coleman was honored today at Fort Andross in a presentation sponsored by the Brunswick…

Brunswick Vietnam Veteran Frank Connors

Frank Connors is a lifelong Midcoast resident who has written for and served as a photographer for the Times Record, served as town manager in Bowdoinham, and much more. He’s also a Vietnam Veteran and four years ago he wrote about that experience. And today–on…

Sara Gideon On The Road Ahead

Newly elected Freeport state representative, in her first interview since the election, as she prepares to become the new speaker of the Maine House in January, on WCME’s Midcoast Morning Buzz.

WCME’s Question 1 Debate

If you are still unsure about your position on Question 1, which favors the legalization of recreational marijuana use in Maine, you might want to check this one out. Two smart women who know their way around the issue, and who disagree. Portland state representative…

Jim Bleikamp on the Settlement of the Brunswick School Bullying Lawsuit

Jim Bleikamp here with some comments that I can’t hold back in the wake of the settlement of a long-running lawsuit against the town of Brunswick, the school department, and against Brunswick Junior High School principal Walter Wallace. A lawsuit brought by a former student…

Donald Trump in Lisbon

Jim Bleikamp’s coverage of Trump at the gym of Open Door Christian Academy in Lisbon.

Cara Stadler On The End of Tipping at Tao Yuan Restaurant in Brunswick

On the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, Chef Cara at Tao Yuan talks about her move to eliminate tipping in favor of an 18 percent service charge on all customer bills.  

Colleen McKenna On Why She Wants The Town To Hold On to Mere Point Property

Colleen is a spokeswoman for a newly formed citizens group seeking a referendum in which Brunswick voters would be asked to require the town to retain ownership of a tract of land at 946 Mere Point Road and develop it into a public park. This…

Congestion and Speeding on Richardson Street in Bath

These were the subjects of some heated complaints lodged at Wednesday night’s Bath City Council meeting by Richardson Street residents Dan Dunn and Wayne Fortier.  

Brayman On How Brunswick Might Battle Brown Tail Moths

Brunswick town council chair Sarah Brayman talked with Jim Bleikamp after Monday night’s council meeting about strategies that might be employed by the town to counter the moths, which consider to be a painful and expensive problem throughout the Midcoast.

Brunswick writer Maria Padian On Her New Novel “Wrecked”–About Sexual Assault On A College Campus

Maria Padian appeared with Jim Bleikamp on WCME’s Midcoast Morning Buzz.

Brown Tail Moths…What To Do?

On the Thursday WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, Jim Bleikamp talked with Christine Donahue, an entomologist at the Maine Forest Service, who talked about the scope of the problem, and what might be done to help get rid of it–but it’s not easy.  

Breaking from WCME News 9: Ex-Cop Guilty Plea

A former Brunswick police officer faces up to ten years in prison after pleading guilty to attempting to send obscene material to a minor. 25-year-old Garrett Brosnan was arrested in June after an investigation that began last October when the parents of a 13-year-old girl…

Breaking from WCME News 9: Motorcyclist in Durham Crash Dies

A motorcyclist injured Saturday evening in Durham has now died at Central Maine Medical Center in Lewiston. 77-year-old Kenneth Kilby was riding west on Newell Brook Road when he crashed without a helmet on. Meanwhile, 26-year-old Hailey Bouchard of Brunswick is now listed in stable…

Obama Creates National Monument in Maine’s North Woods

Conservationists are delighted but some opponents in northern Maine are seeing red in the aftermath of President Obama’s move to designate over 87 thousand acres of forest land in Maine’s North Woods as what will be known as the Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument…

WCME News 9 Interview: Attorney David Webbert, Representing The Former Student Suing The School Department

It appears that there could be a settlement soon in a long-running lawsuit brought by a former Brunswick junior high school student, now 17 years old, who says he was physically and sexually assaulted at the school by fellow students. A settlement conference has now…

Wayne Maines Interview 7-20-2016

Almost 100 people turned out at Curtis Library in Brunswick to hear Wayne Maines, a self-described political conservative with an air force background, talk about his long battle to secure fundamental human and legal rights for Nicole Maines–his trans-gender daughter. One of the most public…

WCME Midcoast Money Memo: Eric Simonds and Parenting Coach Kathy Bowen

Funny how there are so many parents around and very few courses and little education available on how to be a good and successful parent. But there are a few parenting coaches. Kathy Bowen is based in Brunswick and guested with Eric Simonds on this…

The Mere Point Site Walk

If you missed it on Monday’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, here are some of the voices of those who toured a four-acre tract of shoreline property at 946 Mere Point Road in Brunswick, which is being considered as a site for public access to the…

Freeport’s New Fire Chief Charles Jordan

He’s a 25-year-veteran of the fire service in Maine, having retired not long ago as fire chief in Rockland. But Charles Jordan loves the fire service, so he’s returning to duty in Freeport. WCME’s Jim Bleikamp talked with him about his second career.

Eric Simond’s WCME Midcoast Money Memo June 25, 2016

Certified financial planner Eric Simonds is joined by educational counsultant and podcaster Courtney Belolan on this week’s Midcoast Money Memo. Sound financial talk from someone who’s just trying to help–not trying to sell you anything.

Breaking from WCME News 9: Brunswick Cop Arrested by Feds

A Brunswick police officer residing in Bath has been arrested and charged in federal court in Portland with attempting to transfer photos of his genitals to a minor. 25-year-old Garrett Brosnan has been placed on administrative leave by Brunswick police pending an internal investigation, and…

LePage Says NO to Linda Baker

Breaking from WCME News 9: It may be a history-making event in Maine politics. We can find no indication that a governor of either party has in any election endorsed a primary challenger over an incumbent member of his own party, but today Governor LePage…

Support for A Brunswick Teacher–School Board Member Teresa Gillis–June 9

Brusnwick school board member Teresa Gillis speaks out in support of Steve Shea, a much-praised fifth-grade teacher at Harriett Beecher Stowe School, who is leaving the district, after apparently running into some trouble with school administrators who were critical of some of his teaching methods…

A Disturbing Incident in Brunswick -June 9

Stacy Frizzle, the executive director of Brunswick’s People Plus Center, talks about an incident this past Tuesday afternoon in which her 11-year-old daughter was twice approached by an older man she didn’t know, who asked her to come closer and offered her candy.

WCME Midcoast Morning Memo May 28, 2016–Eric Simonds on talking to your kids about money

Breaking from WCME News 9: Both Stabbing Suspects Arrested

Both suspects in the Sunday stabbing on Market Lane near Federal Street in Brunswick are now in custody and at the Cumberland County Jail. 43-year-old Robert McKenney (top) was arrested on Pleasant Street in Brunswick, while 38-year-old Wendall Casler (bottom) was picked up by Portland…

WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz: Kristina Egan Interview

Kristina talks about her just-announced resignation  as a Freeport town councilor–prompted by her appointment as executive director of the Portland Area Council of Governments. She also comments on the drive in Freeport to end the retail distribution of paper and plastic bags and looks back…

Eric Simonds–WCME Midcoast Money Memo–What To Know Before You Inherit Money

The Status of Buddy–The Abused Black Lab: Coastal Humane Society Executive Director Joe Montisano

Joe appeared on WCME’s Friday Midcoast Morning Buzz with a status report on the cute dog victimized in an extreme abuse case in Brunswick.

Michelle Kruk, Vice-President, Bowdoin College student government on the controversial “tequila party”

Michelle, a Latina student at Bowdoin College from Chicago, outlined her concerns about prejudice and discrimination among students of color at the college on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz.

Breaking: Cruz wins Maine Republican Caucus

Breaking from Radio 9 WCME: Texas Republican senator Ted Cruz has won the Maine Republican caucus, scoring what some observers view as a significant upset against Donald Trump. The Cruz win may also be seen as a setback for Governor LePage, who had endorsed Trump….

Eric Simonds-Midcoast Money Memo-March 5

Eric Simonds, certified financial planner and host of the WCME Midcoast Money Memo on what you should be looking for AND looking to avoid when you hire a financial advisor.

Eric Simonds-Midcoast Money Memo February 27, 2016

Certified financial planner Eric Simonds on second-career options and entrepreneurial activity in retirement. Eric’s on WCME every Saturday morning at 11:05 but it you missed today’s edition, here it is:

Veteran Freeport Police Chief Darrel Fournier Hangs It Up

Darrel Fournier began his fire service career in Freeport, then became fire chief in Waterville in 1990, and returned to Freeport in 1999.

Retiring Freeport Police Chief Jerry Schofield reflects on 39 years of service

The chief has announced his retirement in almost the same moment as Fire Chief Darrel Fournier.  

Breaking: Freeport’s Police and Fire Chiefs Retire

Freeport’s top two public safety officials have announced retirement plans at the same moment. Police Chief Jerry Schofield, a police officer in Freeport for almost 40 years, will step down at the end of the month while Fire Chief Darrel Fournier will stay on his…

Brunswick town councilor Kathy Wilson on WCME’s Midcoast Morning Buzz

Kathy discussed her view that there is no such thing as an “accidental shooting” after two recent incidents on the Midcoast that have been widely labeled as such. And some related matters.

Gerzofsky on WCME’s Midcoast Morning Buzz

Brunswick-Freeport state senator Stan Gerzofsky was an observer at Tuesday night’s volatile town hall meeting in Freeport, where Governor LePage suggested that immigrants are bringing diseases to Maine–such as Hepatitis C.  This comes without any corroborating evidence from medical authorities. Jim Bleikamp talked with Senator…

Eric Simonds and the WCME Midcoast Money Memo–Feb. 6, 2016

Eric talks about what you most need to know about Medicare–for your own benefit and for those with whom you are close.

Eric Simonds and the WCME Midcoast Money Memo December 26, 2015

Certified financial planner Eric Simonds talks here about the money matters you need to be thinking about in this–the last week of the year.

WCME Midcoast News: One hurt at Freeport Demonstration

A woman attending a demonstration in support of the Freeport flag ladies is in serious condition at Maine Medical Center in Portland after having been struck by a sport utility vehicle at the corner of School and Main Street in Freeport as she was crossing…

The WCME Midcoast Money Memo with Eric Simonds-December 19, 2015

Here’s today’s edition of the Memo–which airs EVERY Saturday morning at 11:05 on Radio 9 WCME. 900AM and

Eric Simonds–WCME Midcoast Money Memo December 5, 2015

Certified financial planner Eric Simonds discusses the question of whether you need insurance for your phone. And related matters.

Tom Pagnotti’s Golden Throat

Tom Pagnotti, who lived in Grove Street in Bath, and who has died after a short battle with cancer, was a one-time host of the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, and a major contributor to the development of the radio station in a number of ways…

Brunswick Town Council Chair Sarah Brayman on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Brunswick town council chair Sarah Brayman visited the Friday WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz and stayed for awhile–with good reason. She had quite a bit to say. Sarah first talked about her recent vacation in Paris, which began JUST after the terror attacks occurred. And she…

Glory For The Dragons

If you missed our extended look-back and look-ahead at last night’s Brunswick Dragons massacre of the Brewer Witches–and their playoff prospects next week–its’ here. The Dragons won it by the unexpected margin of 49-0. You’ll hear in this program from the WCME midcoast high school…

Zach Lambert’s Fight to Start Anew

On Halloween night of 2014, 23-year-old Zach Lambert of Bath, an intelligent and artistic man, made what he now concedes was a stupid decision–to enter the vacant Huse School building on Andrews Road in Bath–where damage was subsequently done. Several felony counts were later lodged…

Kevin Mannix and Linda Rota on the Midcoast Morning Buzz

It was a special day indeed talking with Kevin, the longtime Channel 6 weatherman, and Linda. Their new book is “Weathering Shame”–an autobiographical journey of shame and stigma–and how they emerged on the other side. We’ll have them again.

WCME Breaking News: Missing Woman Contacts Police

Brunswick police say they have been contacted by the missing woman Sarah Walker Meade who stated that she and her five-year-old son are safe and have returned to Maine. Police also say the woman declined to reveal her location but said she had gone on…

WCME Midcoast News 10-6-15

In Brunswick, town councilors don’t seem to like a recommendation from the town council’s rivers and coastal water commission to set the town’s first-ever mooring fees for boat owners at just twenty-five dollars for town residents and fifty dollars for non-residents. Some councilors say this…

Sally Spencer-Thomas on Suicide Prevention

From WCME’s Midcoast Morning Buzz, Sally Spencer-Thomas, a Bowdoin College graduate (1989) and clinical psychologist on her never-ending campaign to raise awareness about suicide prevention. It all began shortly after her brother Carson took his own life a decade ago.

Wags and Whiskers Radio–September 26, 2015

Wags and Whiskers Radio–our home-grown show about the critters and the humans who love them–is heard every Saturday morning at 9:05 on WCME–900AM and HERE–at And if you missed it this week–or just wish to hear it again–here ’tis.

Sarah Brayman on Racism

Brunswick town council chair Sarah Brayman has brief the council and the public about some recent incidents in which people have been yelling racial epithets from cars at certain Bowdoin College students and faculty members as they walk the streets of the town. Here is…

Midcoast Money Memo September 12, 2015

Midcoast Money Memo host Eric Simonds is a certified financial planner. In this week’s show, Eric explains in human language what means and what he does. Midcoast Money Memo is heard every Saturday morning at 11:05 Eastern on Radio 9 WCME. 900AM on Maine’s Midcoast….

Brunswick Harbor Master Dan Devereaux: Why Shellfishers are Battling Wormers

Devereaux says worms are in the same mudflat environment as clams. Smaller clams sit at the surface with worms just below them.  Wormers peel back the top layer, and when that happens, Devereaux says research indicates that about a third of shellfish in the harvested…

Midcoast-Parkview Merger Announcement

Confirmation of the merger of Midcoast and Parkview Hospitals in Brunswick was announced at a Friday news conference at Parkview. First the remarks of Randee Reynolds, former Parkview president and now vice-president of the combined operation. Then remarks from Midcoast/Parkview CEO Lois Skillings. Then questions…

Another Take on the Midcoast-Parkview Merger–Chuck Gill, Central Maine Medical Center

Central Maine Health Care, the parent of Lewiston-based Central Maine Medical Center, with five practices on the Midcoast, made a greater, but ultimately unsuccessful bid for the Parkview assets. Central Maine Health Care Vice-President Chuck Gill was on the Friday Midcoast Morning Buzz talking about…

Senator Angus King On Why He Supports the Iran Nuclear Deal

Maine’s independent senator took to the floor of the Senate.

Brunswick School Board Chair Bill Thompson Defends the School Board’s $12.5 Million Dollar School Repair Plan

Brunswick Town Council Chair Sarah Brayman talks school repair and reconstruction on WCME’s Midcoast Morning Buzz

Sarah Brayman has joined seven other councilors in voting to effectively reject a school board proposal to spend 12.5 million dollars on a plan calling for basic repairs at both Coffin Elementary and Brunswick Junior High–citing the need for something more expansive.

Teresa Kelly Gillis on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Teresa is the first candidate to announce her run for a school board seat this year in Brunswick–a community facing several major educational issues, including what to do about crumbling infrastructures at Coffin Elementary School and at the junior high school.

Former senator George Mitchell on the Iranian nuclear agreement

Maine’s senior statesman voiced support for the agreement in a WCME News 9 interview during a stop at Patten Free Library in Bath.

Attorney David Webbert on Federal Lawsuit Charging Civil Rights Violations and Sexual Assault at Brunswick Junior High School

Attorney David Webbert on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz on the filing of a federal lawsuit on behalf of a 16-year-old former Brunswick Junior High School student. The young man claims he was bullied, harassed and even sexually assaulted by male peers, while school officials…

Gerzofsky on LePage Investigation

The legislature’s investigative committee has voted 12-0–a unanimous vote–to undertake a probe of Governor LePage’s threat to cut off state funding to the Good Will Hinckley School for at-risk kids, if the school did not withdraw a job offer to Mark Eves, the Democratic speaker…

Independent state representative Jeff Evangelos–Taking Aim at LePage

Independent state representative Jeff Evangelos of Friendship in Knox County is the leader of a five-member legislative coalition–the other four are Democrats–seeking an investigation that could lead to impeachment charges against Governor LePage. He talked with Jim Bleikamp on Monday’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz.

Midcoast Hospital CEO Lois Skillings/Parkview Hospital President Randee Reynolds

Ed Bonney on the proposal to lift permit requirements for concealed carry in Maine

Ed Bonney is a former chair of the Freeport town council and a retired attorney, who winters in Arizona, where he’s often observed the state’s active gun culture on an up-close basis. Tuesday evening he told the Freeport council why he’s opposed to the proposal…

Senator Stan Gerzofsky on the status of the proposal to eliminate the permit requirement for concealed carry

Senator Angus King on Iraq

After a weekend statement from Defense Secretary Ash Carter that the Iraqi Army is failing to fight ISIS forces, Senator Angus King’s view of the situation in a brief interview with WCME’s Jim Bleikamp at today’s Memorial Day observance at the Brunswick mall.

Ethel Wilkerson on Clear Cutting in Freeport

Ethel Wilkerson is an environmental scientist, who also happens to be one of numerous residents of the Elm Street neighborhood in Freeport frustrated by the Maine Department of Transportation’s clear-cutting of trees, which had served as a buffer against noise from nearby I-295. Ethel also…

Brunswick town council chair Sarah Brayman on the Midcoast Morning Buzz, May 14, 2015

The town council chair talked at length with Jim Bleikamp about the budget-making process and reveals that she is more likely to support a larger tax increase than certain other councilors.

Eric Simonds on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

Eric Simonds is an independent Brunswick-based certified financial planner working only for his clients–not for any company engaged in the sale of various financial products. Beginning this weekend, he’s also the host of the WCME Midcoast Money Memo–Saturday’s at 11:05AM. Today Eric talked with Jim…

Senator Stan Gerzofsky on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, May 6, 2015

It’s a relatively short but wide-ranging interview with Senator Stan, covering recent legislative developments on Amtrak idling in Brunswick, a bill that would lift the permit requirement for the carrying of concealed weapons, and voter-identification legislation.

Max Ater on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz-May 1

Max is a young singer/songwriter on the move who grew up in Bath, and is now getting rave reviews for his blues-influenced tunes. Tonight at Chocolate Church in Bath a CD release party and performance of songs from the new album “Up Til Now.” Max…

Stacy Frizzle-People Plus April 27, 2015

Stacy Frizzle is the executive director of People Plus, the expansive Brunswick organization providing activities aimed at older Midcoast residents, however many of these programs are also of broad-based general interest. Stacy also runs the Brunswick teen center, and appears regularly on Monday’s on WCME’s…

Paula Cole-Midcoast Morning Buzz

Paula is a singer-songwriter from the north shore of Massachusetts with a wide-ranging voice seemingly spanning 100 octaves. Or more. Perhaps that’s an exaggeration. But only a little. She won a Grammy in 1997 as best new artist. She’s known for songs such as “Where…

Sarah Brayman on the Battle of the Brunswick Budget

Jim Bleikamp here. Ok, no one is really yet engaged in battle over the budget in Brunswick. But putting a budget together in financially-challenged Brunswick is an ordeal that already has the feel of battle. Sorry that I’m later than planned in posting this–it’s been…

Midcoast Business Spotlight-Learning Land Nursery School, Brunswick

The acclaimed Learning Land Nursery School in Brunswick, serving Midcoast kids for over a half-century, was the focus of this week’s Midcoast Business Spotlight–Saturday mornings at 10:05 on WCME. Angela Chute talks here with Learning Land’s Rachel Atwood.

Wags and Whiskers Radio-Regan and Sarah March 28, 2015

This week Regan and Sarah outline a plan to pay tribute to Zen, a recently-deceased pit-bull mix in Bath, with donations of cash and non-perishables to help a rural humane society here in Maine. Also–the difficulties of sleeping with a rabbit. Critter talk with a…

Celebrate Your Inner Diva!!!

Deb King and Missy Grillo of the Brunswick Downtown Association on WCME’s Midcoast Morning Buzz on Inner Diva Night, coming Friday March 27 at the Knights of Columbus Hall.

Update: Frederick The Cat

The orange tabby known as Frederick was badly burned not long ago when he was too close to the engine of a just-parked car–trying to keep warm. But on WCME’s Midcoast Morning Buzz, we found out from Coastal Humane Society’s Jane Siviski that Frederick’s condition…

Maine Department of Transportation Project Manager Joel Kittredge on the future of the Frank J. Wood Bridge

It’s an issue in which there is some passion. Some people believe it’s time for a new bridge. Others would like to see repairs and or renovation to the existing bridge, and note its historic value. Joel Kittredge presided at a Wednesday evening meeting at…

Freeport Councilor Sarah Tracy on Proposals to Ban or Tax Paper/Plastic Bags

Sarah chairs the council’s ordinance committee and provides an update on a proposal to either ban or levy a tax on these bags, which was initially given voice last summer by two students at Freeport High School.  

Barry Norman on “Still Alice”

It’s a much-talked about new film opening today at Eveningstar Cinema in downtown Brunswick. Julianne Moore as an active and vibrant middle-aged woman who suddenly learns she has Alzheimer’s disease. Eveningstar owner Barry Norman visited WCME’s Midcoast Morning Buzz to talk about the film and…

Brunswick town council chair Sarah Brayman–Midcoast Morning Buzz February 9

The council chair talks about parking congestion, about a looming harbor ordinance in Brunswick, and about another possible property tax hike.

Ethan Minton-Midcoast Hunger Prevention

Ethan Minton, longtime radio voice in southern Maine, is now program director of the Midcoast Hunger Prevention Program. Ethan dropped by the Midcoast Morning Buzz to tell us how YOU with nothing more than mouseclick, can improve the chances of Midcoast Hunger Prevention receiving a…

Kathy Wilson & Stan Gerzofsky

An intriguing occurrence on WCME’s Midcoast Morning Buzz. Brunswick town councilor Kathy Wilson was talking about her opposition to a bill pending in the state legislature that would ban the sale of dogs and cats by pet stores. It so happens that Brunswick state senator…

Katie Daggett

Katie Daggett was moved to make music at a lean age after hearing the songs of the visionary Joni Mitchell wafting out of her older sister’s third-floor room in the family home in Augusta. So it was a treat when Katie, who is a frequent…

Wags and Whiskers Radio January 17

Regan Reed talks with Lauren Hinsman, former Midcoast pet supply goddess–now in Alabama.

Sagadahoc County state senator Linda Baker–WCME interview

Newly elected Sagadahoc County state senator Linda Baker tells WCME News 9 that she wants to cut state taxes on all forms of retirement income. Here’s a wide-ranging interview with Senator Baker, who was asked along the way about a friendly lecture she received Thursday…

Brunswick school board member Chris McCarthy calls two school buildings “dumps.”

McCarthy says the buildings have been “let go” for so long that we’re now trying to figure out how to repair “dumps.”

Developer Jim Howard on Brunswick Landing

The man who may be the Midcoast’s active developer talks about his plans for the entrance to Brunswick Landing.

WCME Midcoast News January 9 2014

Weather Variety   Snow this morning on the Midcoast as we emerge from an extended cold snap. But we’ll see an accumulation of only one to three inches, followed by sunshine and a high of 30. Frequent Midcoast weather updates throughout the day  and throughout…

Dan & Darcie

Bob & John

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6/7/13 – Sally Loving of BARK – Brunswick Area Recreation for Kanines

From 6/7/13. Sally Loving of BARK – Brunswick Area Recreation for Kanines ( talks about the new ‘Merrymeeting Dog Park in Memory of Jake Horgan’ on Radio 9 WCME’s Midcoast Morning Buzz.

6/6/13 – John Cudahy, President International Council of Air Shows

From 6/6/13. John Cudahy, President International Council of Air Shows (ICAS) talks with Richard Kazimer and Jim Bleikamp on Radio 9 WCME’s Midcoast Morning Buzz about his groups efforts to bring back the Great State of Maine Air Show.

5/30/13 – Elder Law attorney and former Brunswick ME town councilor Jackie Sartoris

From 5/30/13. Elder Law attorney and former Brunswick ME town councilor Jackie Sartoris joins Richard Kazimer and Jim Bleikamp on Radio 9 WCME’s Midcoast Morning Buzz to discuss L.D. 27 – the bill that clarifies state law to say that people with dementia and other cognitive impairments cannot consent to financially abusive conduct by caregivers that would be criminal without consent..

5/30/13 – State Representative Mattie Daughtry

From 5/30/13. State Representative Mattie Daughtry (D-Brunswick ME) discusses House passage of her bill allowing local appointments to the board of the Midcoast Regional Redevelopment Authority with Richard Kazimer and Jim Bleikamp on Radio 9 WCME’s Midcoast Morning Buzz.

5/20/13 – Dog rescuers Laurie & Ed Blain of Puppy Love, Inc.

From 5/20/13. Dog rescuers Laurie & Ed Blain of Puppy Love, Inc. ( chat with Richard Kazimer on Radio 9 WCME’s Midcoast Morning Buzz.

5/13/13 – Maine singer/songwriter Peter Alexander

From 5/13/13. Maine singer/songwriter Peter Alexander discusses the release of his new CD ‘Promised Land’ with Richard Kazimer on Radio 9 WCME’s Midcoast Morning Buzz.

5/13/13 – State Representative Mattie Daughtry

From 5/13/13. State Representative Mattie Daughtry (D-Brunswick) discusses her bill requiring Brunswick Town Council appointment of a member to the MRRA board (Midcoast Regional Redevelopment Authority) with Richard Kazimer and Jim Bleikamp on Radio 9 WCME’s Midcoast Morning Buzz.

5/10/13 – Artist Mentor, Maureen Block, and artists Barbara & Nancy talk about Spindleworks

From 5/10/13. Artist Mentor, Maureen Block, and artists Barbara & Nancy talk about Spindleworks, and the 4th Annual All Species Parade with Richard Kazimer on Radio 9 WCME’s Midcoast Morning Buzz.

5/7/13 – Maine State Music Theatre’s Stephanie Dupal

From 5/7/13. Maine State Music Theatre’s Stephanie Dupal, Interim Executive Director, and Curt Dale Clark, Artistic Consultant discuss the 2013 season on Radio 9 WCME’s Midcoast Morning Buzz.

5/3/13 – Actress Elizabeth Davidson

From 5/3/13. Actress Elizabeth Davidson discusses her one-woman play, ‘HARRIET BEECHER STOWE: A Literary Soldier,’ on Radio 9 WCME’s Midcoast Morning Buzz.

5/1/13 – Heather Cronin and Gary Hauger of the Lisbon Community School PTO

From 5/1/13. Heather Cronin and Gary Hauger of the Lisbon Community School PTO discuss their fundraising auction with Richard Kazimer and Jim Bleikamp on Radio 9 WCME’s Midcoast Morning Buzz.

4/29/13 – Richmond High School senior/honor student Lauren Umberhind

From 4/29/13. Richmond High School senior/honor student Lauren Umberhind, Mt. Ararat High School senior Charlotte Crosby, and RSU2 finance committee chairperson Bill Matthews put faces to the education cuts of Governor Paul LePage on Radio 9 WCME’s Midcoast Morning Buzz.

4/19/13 – Maritime Canadian flutist, Chris Norman

From 4/19/13. Maritime Canadian flutist, Chris Norman joins us on Radio 9 WCME’s Midcoast Morning Buzz.

4/16/13 – PeaceWorks activist Rosalie Paul

From 4/16/13. PeaceWorks activist Rosalie Paul ( joins Richard Kazimer and Jim Bleikamp on Radio 9 WCME’s Midcoast Morning Buzz.

4/12/13 – Kenneth Golden, Professor of Mathematics, University of Utah

From 4/12/13. Kenneth Golden, Professor of Mathematics, University of Utah discusses how mathematical models of composite materials and statistical physics are being used to study key sea ice processes and to advance how sea ice is represented in climate models with Richard Kazimer and Jim Bleikamp on Radio 9 WCME’s Midcoast Morning Buzz.

4/12/13 – State Representative Mattie Daughtry

From 4/12/13. State Representative Mattie Daughtry (D-Brunswick ME) discusses politics with Richard Kazimer and Jim Bleikamp on Radio 9 WCME’s Midcoast Morning Buzz.

4/11/13 – Attorney and advocate Jackie Sartoris discusses National Health Care Decisions Day

From 4/11/13. Attorney and advocate Jackie Sartoris discusses National Health Care Decisions Day, and Advance Care Directive Forms (end-of-life) with Richard Kazimer and Jim Bleikamp on Radio 9 WCME’s Midcoast Morning Buzz.

4/10/13 – Jennifer Blanchard, Executive Director Pejepscot Historical Society

From 4/10/13. Jennifer Blanchard, Executive Director Pejepscot Historical Society, and Chelsea Gross, Bowdoin College ’13 discuss the archeological digs at Joshua Chamberlain House with Richard Kazimer on Radio 9 WCME’s Midcoast Morning Buzz.

4/9/13 – Bath/Brunswick Big Brothers/Big Sisters Executive Director

From 4/9/13. Bath/Brunswick Big Brothers/Big Sisters Executive Director, Lindsay MacDonald joins wayward souls Richard Kazimer and Jim Bleikamp on Radio 9 WCME’s Midcoast Morning Buzz.

4/9/13 – Eric Howes, Director Public & Government Affairs Maine Yankee

From 4/9/13. Eric Howes, Director Public & Government Affairs Maine Yankee discusses the on-going spent fuel rod storage issue at the deconstructed former nuclear power plant with Radio 9 WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz team Richard Kazimer & Jim Bleikamp.

4/8/13 – Deb King, Executive Director Brunswick Downtown Association

From 4/8/13. Deb King, Executive Director Brunswick Downtown Association feeds Radio 9 WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz duo Richard Kazimer & Jim Bleikamp a heaping helping of Eat Brunswick Week information.

4/2/13 – Sagadahoc County Sheriff Joel Merry expresses his concerns

From 4/2/13. Sagadahoc County Sheriff Joel Merry expresses his concern about proposed legislation legalizing marijuana in Maine to Richard Kazimer and Jim Bleikamp on Radio 9 WCME’s Midcoast Morning Buzz.

4/1/13 – Portland State Representative Diane Russell

From 4/1/13. Portland State Representative Diane Russell – sponsor of the bill to legalize marijuana in Maine – and State Representative Jennifer DeChant of Bath – who hosted a weekend forum at Bath City Hall on legalization issues – are interviewed by Jim Bleikamp on Radio 9 WCME’s Midcoast Morning Buzz.

3/29/13 – Ed Pelta, physicist and founder of Maine School Science Volunteers

From 3/29/13. Ed Pelta, physicist and founder of Maine School Science Volunteers ( educates Radio 9 WCME’s Midcoast Morning Buzz duo Richard Kazimer and Jim Bleikamp on the need for volunteer scientists in Maine middle schools.

3/28/13 – Steve Levesque, Executive Director Midcoast Regional Redevelopment Authority

From 3/28/13. Steve Levesque, Executive Director Midcoast Regional Redevelopment Authority (MRRA) joins Richard Kazimer & Jim Bleikamp on Radio 9 WCME’s Midcoast Morning Buzz to discuss MRRA’s decision to cancel this year’s Great State of Maine Air Show at Brunswick Landing due to sequestration cuts.

3/27/13 – Dave Brown, Director Southern Midcoast Community Center

From 3/27/13. Dave Brown, Director Southern Midcoast Community Center (Topsham ME) chats with Radio 9 WCME’s Richard Kazimer and Jim Bleikamp on the Midcoast Morning Buzz regarding the sequestration cuts to the Center’s Meals-On-Wheels, and community meals programs.

3/26/13 – Mona Jerome, Director Ever After Mustang Rescue

From 3/26/13. Mona Jerome, Director Ever After Mustang Rescue (Biddeford ME), and Michael Young, cowboy/volunteer discuss saving wild mustangs with Radio 9 WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz drovers Richard Kazimer and Jim Bleikamp.

3/21/13 – Radio 9 WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz team Richard Kazimer & Jim Bleikamp interview Friends of Merrymeeting Bay Board

From 3/21/13. Radio 9 WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz team Richard Kazimer & Jim Bleikamp interview Friends of Merrymeeting Bay Board Chair, Ed Friedman about his legal efforts to temporarily shutdown four hydroelectric dam turbines on the Kennebec and Androscoggin Rivers to save the endangered Atlantic salmon.

3/20/13 – Brunswick ME attorney Jackie Sartoris joins Richard Kazimer and Jim Bleikamp

From 3/20/13. Brunswick ME attorney Jackie Sartoris joins Richard Kazimer and Jim Bleikamp on Radio 9 WCME’s Midcoast Morning Buzz to discuss the adverse environmental impact development at Brunswick Landing might have on area wildlife.

3/19/13 – Brunswick ME Town Councillor-At-Large

From 3/19/13. Brunswick ME Town Councillor-At-Large, John Richardson discusses Tax Increment Financing (TIF), and Bowdoin College with Richard Kazimer and Jim Bleikamp on Radio 9 WCME’s Midcoast Morning Buzz.

3/15/13 – Radio 9 WCME’s Midcoast Morning Buzz team Richard Kazimer and Jim Bleikamp

From 3/15/13. Radio 9 WCME’s Midcoast Morning Buzz team Richard Kazimer and Jim Bleikamp wax radio nostalgic with veteran voice artist Tom Pagnotti…and eventually get around to Tom’s annual hosting of “So You Think You Know Bath.”

3/14/13 – Jim Bleikamp and Richard Kazimer interview Louise Rosen

From 3/14/13. Jim Bleikamp and Richard Kazimer interview Louise Rosen, Executive/Artistic Director with the Maine Jewish Film Festival on Radio 9 WCME’s Midcoast Morning Buzz.

3/12/13 – Jim Bleikamp and Richard Kazimer interview Maine Gun Rights Coalition founder

From 3/12/13. Jim Bleikamp and Richard Kazimer interview Maine Gun Rights Coalition founder Jessica Beckwith on Radio 9 WCME’s Midcoast Morning Buzz.

3/7/13 – Brunswick Maine Marine Patrol Officer Dan Devereaux

From 3/7/13. Brunswick Maine Marine Patrol Officer Dan Devereaux, and Darcie Couture, lead scientist/principal at Resource Access International discuss the decline of clams along the Midcoast on Radio 9 WCME’s Midcoast Morning Buzz.

2/28/13 – Radio 9 WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

From 2/28/13. Radio 9 WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz hosts Richard Kazimer & Jim Bleikamp discuss the issue of mental illness and guns with Michael Arthur – Licensed Therapist, Counselor & Psychotherapist.

2/27/13 – Poet, and Gulf of Maine Books owner Gary Lawless

From 2/27/13. Poet, and Gulf of Maine Books (Brunswick ME) owner Gary Lawless discusses literature retail, and poetry with Richard Kazimer and Jim Bleikamp on Radio 9 WCME’s Midcoast Morning Buzz.

Stockholm Fashion

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Berlin Design Week

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Venice Art Pavilion

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Vimeo FX Showreel

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam cursus. Morbi ut mi. Nullam enim leo, egestas id, condimentum at, laoreet mattis, massa.

Der Spiegel Cover Art

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam cursus. Morbi ut mi. Nullam enim leo, egestas id, condimentum at, laoreet mattis, massa.

Art & Design Blvd

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Festival 2014

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Smash Pop Art Storm

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam cursus. Morbi ut mi. Nullam enim leo, egestas id, condimentum at, laoreet mattis, massa.

Adventures in Zonderland

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam cursus. Morbi ut mi. Nullam enim leo, egestas id, condimentum at, laoreet mattis, massa.

STV Music Awards 2013

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam cursus. Morbi ut mi. Nullam enim leo, egestas id, condimentum at, laoreet mattis, massa.

Pale Skin Apparel

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Clash & Mayhem TV

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam cursus. Morbi ut mi. Nullam enim leo, egestas id, condimentum at, laoreet mattis, massa.

Case Study

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Blau Kunsthaus Identity

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Abstract Style Of Handler

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Single Portfolio Parallax

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam cursus. Morbi ut mi. Nullam enim leo, egestas id, condimentum at, laoreet mattis, massa.

Last Iceland Sunshine

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam cursus. Morbi ut mi. Nullam enim leo, egestas id, condimentum at, laoreet mattis, massa.

Amsterdam Jazz Festival

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam cursus. Morbi ut mi. Nullam enim leo, egestas id, condimentum at, laoreet mattis, massa.

Mother Volcano Artwork

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam cursus. Morbi ut mi. Nullam enim leo, egestas id, condimentum at, laoreet mattis, massa.

SuperDollz Showroom

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam cursus. Morbi ut mi. Nullam enim leo, egestas id, condimentum at, laoreet mattis, massa.

67B Construction Studio

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam cursus. Morbi ut mi. Nullam enim leo, egestas id, condimentum at, laoreet mattis, massa.

Fast Vector Mobile

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam cursus. Morbi ut mi. Nullam enim leo, egestas id, condimentum at, laoreet mattis, massa.

Vintage Vinyl House

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam cursus. Morbi ut mi. Nullam enim leo, egestas id, condimentum at, laoreet mattis, massa.

Art Week 2014 Malmö

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam cursus. Morbi ut mi. Nullam enim leo, egestas id, condimentum at, laoreet mattis, massa.