23 Nov Getting Nervous about the Frank J. Wood Bridge
In the same moment that commercial traffic is now prohibited on the Frank J. Wood Bridge connecting Brunswick and Topsham, very harsh criticism of the citizens group Friends of the Bridge, the group staging a legal fight in opposition to a new bridge.
On the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz, Brunswick At-Large Councilor Kathy Wilson said, “It is the citizens that are doing this…that court case is putting the whole town in danger and if they were good citizens they’d call it off. That bridge is a rusty hunk of junk…it is unsafe.”
A spokesman for Friends of the Bridge tells WCME News that no decisions have been made by group members about future legal strategy–thus leaving the door open for a future appeal if the current appeal is denied.
If you missed her on the radio, you may hear Kathy Wilson here.