08 Sep Midcoast News September 8, 2015
This is the day of the closing of the walk-in clinic at Parkview Hospital in Brunswick, a move announced late in August just a few days after court approval of Parkview’s merger with Mid Coast Hospital. To accommodate the additional patients requiring services, the Mid Coast walk-in center at Brunswick Station will expand its services, and in particular, will now be open until eight in the evening seven days a week.
There have now been 24 motorcycle fatalities in Maine this year–up considerably from last year–when there were just eleven deaths for the entire twelve months of 2014. 67-year-old Paul Vaillancourt and his 64-year-old wife Margaret of Wales died when a pickup truck in the wrong lane struck their cycle on Route 113 in Hiram. State police say they don’t know why the truck was in the wrong lane. The truck driver was treated and released at Maine Medical Center in Portland.
Maine’s second district Republican congressman Bruce Poliquin is raising some eyebrows by signing a confidential agreement requiring him to disclose his legislative agenda and its so-called political justification to a national Republican committee in exchange for financial support during his upcoming re-election campaign. This deal prompts questions about whether Poliquin’s campaign and the committee are acting independently, which they must do if the committee wants to spend unlimited amounts of money to support Poliquin.